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  1. 1. 北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院
    2. 北京航空航天大学
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-02 修回日期:2024-06-14 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 王晓喆
  • 基金资助:

Review of maneuver load analysis and alleviation technology of flexible aircraft

  • Received:2024-02-02 Revised:2024-06-14 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-06-20
  • Supported by:
    Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST;Aeronautical Science Foundation of China

摘要: 机动飞行载荷是飞机结构设计的前提和基础,准确和快速地获得机动飞行载荷一直是飞机研制中的难题。早期的飞机设计由于结构刚度较大,通常不考虑弹性变形的影响,或只是在获得刚性机动飞行载荷的基础上做弹性的修正。随着现代飞机飞行速度和结构柔度的不断提高,结构弹性变形使得机动飞行载荷分布发生较大的变化,直接影响飞机的飞行安全和飞行品质,需要综合考虑气动和结构的耦合。针对现代飞机气动和结构耦合的复杂性,具有不同效率和不同精度的机动飞行载荷分析方法得到了快速发展。机动载荷减缓技术的提出与应用保证了飞机所需的机动特性,同时降低了因结构强度和刚度要求所要付出重量的代价,有效提高了飞机整体性能,是当前该领域研究的热点。本文首先归纳了现代弹性飞机机动飞行载荷分析及减缓的总体要求和技术框架;其次以此为基础介绍了机动飞行载荷所涉及的气动力、结构强度/刚度、数据映射、飞行力学等分析方法;然后对国内外的机动载荷减缓技术进行了梳理;接着回顾了机动飞行载荷及其减缓的仿真和试验案例,最后讨论了未来机动飞行载荷分析及减缓技术发展中需要解决的关键问题,以期为该领域的科研工作者提供一些思路。

关键词: 飞行载荷, 机动载荷, 气动弹性, 载荷减缓, 风洞试验, 飞行试验

Abstract: Maneuver flight loads are the foundation of aircraft structural design. It is a challenge to accurately and rapidly obtain maneuver flight loads in aircraft development. Due to the high structural stiffness, the influence of elastic deformation is usually not considered in early aircraft design, or the elastic correction is performed based on rigid maneuver flight loads. With the continuous increase in the flight speed and structural flexibility of modern aircraft, structural elastic deformation leads to significant changes in the distribution of maneuver flight loads, directly impacting the flight safety and quality of aircraft, so it requires a comprehensive consideration of the coupling between aerodynamics and structure. Aiming at the complex coupling effects of aircraft, several analysis methods with different accuracy and efficiency are rapidly developed. The load alleviation technology helps reduce the weight and increase the overall performance while satisfying the same requirements of the maneuver characteristics, stiffness and strength, which is a hot topic in research in this field. This paper first summarizes the overall requirements and technical framework for the analysis and alleviation of maneuver flight load in modern flexible aircraft. Then the analysis methods of flight loads, including aerodynamics, structural strength/stiffness, data mapping, flight mechanics, etc., are introduced. The domestic and foreign technologies of maneuver load alleviation are reviewed. Subsequently, the cases of simulation, experiment, and alleviation of maneuver flight loads are reviewed. Finally, the key issues of maneuver flight loads and the development of alleviation technology are discussed in the future, in order to provide some ideas for researchers in this field.

Key words: Flight load, Maneuver load, Aeroelasticity, Load alleviation, Wind tunnel test, Flight test
