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  1. 1. 厦门大学航空航天学院先进空天动力工程研究中心
    2. 厦门大学
    3. 厦门大学航空航天学院
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-15 修回日期:2024-06-18 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 施崇广
  • 基金资助:

Effects of sideslip angle on shock wave interference structure of V-shaped blunt leading edge

  • Received:2024-05-15 Revised:2024-06-18 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-06-20

摘要: 针对三维内转进气道V型唇口处复杂激波干扰问题,通过数值模拟和理论分析研究了侧滑角对V型唇口激波干扰结构的影响机理。重点考察了在马赫数为6,侧滑角在0°到8°的条件下,半径比R/r=4.5的V型钝化唇口的激波干扰类型,以及壁面热流峰值和压力峰值(下称热/力峰值)的变化趋势。数值模拟结果显示,在波系干扰结构方面,该模型上的主激波干扰以及迎风侧的二次激波干扰类型不会随着侧滑角的增大而改变,而背风侧的二次激波干扰类型出现了从规则反射转变为马赫反射的现象。为了有效预测二次激波干扰类型的转变边界,基于无粘激波理论,建立了侧滑条件下V型钝化唇口的激波干扰理论分析方法。发现随着侧滑角的增大,迎风侧和背风侧的二次激波干扰区域的流动参数分别会向低于von Neumann边界和高于脱体边界的方向转变。在壁面热流和压力方面,侧滑角的变化会导致迎风侧和背风侧的热/力峰值发生改变,并呈现不同的变化规律。理论和数值仿真的结果显示,透射激波强度和热/力峰值随侧滑角的变化趋势基本一致。这表明侧滑角变化所引起的透射激波强度的改变,是导致迎风侧与背风侧的热/力峰值随侧滑角增大而呈现不同变化规律的关键因素。该研究可对寻求V型唇口处结构设计所需的气动热/力载荷提供参考。

关键词: 进气道, 激波干扰, 侧滑角, 激波反射, 气动热

Abstract: The impact mechanism of sideslip angle on shock wave interference structures at the VSBLE(V-shaped blunt leading edge) of a three-dimensional inward-turning inlet is studied through numerical simulation and theoretical analysis. The focus is on examining the types of shock wave interference at a VSBLE with a radius ratio R/r = 4.5 and the variation trends of peak wall heat flux and pressure under conditions of Mach number 6 and sideslip angles ranging from 0° to 8°. Numerical simulation results show that, regarding wave system interference structures, the types of primary shock interference and secondary shock interference on the windward side of the model do not change with the increase of sideslip angle, whereas the type of secondary shock interference on the leeward side transitions from regular reflec-tion to Mach reflection. To effectively predict the boundary of the secondary shock interference type transition, a theo-retical analysis method of shock wave interference under sideslip conditions is established based on inviscid shock theory. It is found that with the increase of sideslip angle, the flow parameters in the secondary shock interference regions on the windward and leeward sides shift towards values lower than the von Neumann boundary and higher than the detachment boundary, respectively. In terms of wall heat flux and pressure, changes in sideslip angle lead to alterations in the peak heating/pressure values on the windward and leeward sides, displaying different variation pat-terns. The results from both theoretical and numerical simulations indicate that the trend of transmitted shock intensity and heating/pressure peak values with sideslip angle changes are generally consistent. This suggests that the change in transmitted shock intensity caused by variations in sideslip angle is the key factor leading to different variation pat-terns in the heating/pressure peak values on the windward and leeward sides. This study can provide a reference for the aerodynamic heating/pressure load required for structural design at the VSBLE.

Key words: Inlet, shock wave interference, sideslip angle, shock wave reflection, aerodynamic heating
