航空学报 > 2016, Vol. 37 Issue (12): 3675-3684   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0103


刘君, 袁化成, 葛宁   

  1. 南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院 江苏省航空动力系统重点实验室, 南京 210016
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-18 修回日期:2016-03-28 出版日期:2016-12-15 发布日期:2016-03-29
  • 通讯作者: 袁化成,Tel.:025-84892200-2415,E-mail:yuanhuacheng@nuaa.edu.cn E-mail:yuanhuacheng@nuaa.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:刘君,男,博士研究生。主要研究方向:组合动力进气道设计及仿真。Tel.:025-84892200-2415,E-mail:liujunnever@163.com;袁化成,男,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:高超声速进气道设计、仿真及试验技术。Tel.:025-84892200-2415,E-mail:yuanhuacheng@nuaa.edu.cn;葛宁,男,博士,教授。主要研究方向:气轮机动力学及设计。Tel.:025-84892200-2613,E-mail:gening@nuaa.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


Design and flow characteristics analysis of mode transition simulator for tandem type TBCC inlet

LIU Jun, YUAN Huacheng, GE Ning   

  1. Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power Systems, College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
  • Received:2016-01-18 Revised:2016-03-28 Online:2016-12-15 Published:2016-03-29
  • Supported by:

    Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (2015ZB52016); the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (NS2015025)



关键词: 吸气式高超声速推进系统, 涡轮基组合循环(TBCC), 串联式TBCC进气道, 模态转换模拟器, 风洞试验


In order to simulate the smooth mode transition of turbine based combined cycle (TBCC) propulsion system, the mode transition simulator for tandem type TBCC inlet is redesigned based on the experiences learned from the high speed wind tunnel test. The linear and asymmetric methods are then used to design this simulator, and its flow characteristics is analyzed through numerical simulation. The results indicate that the simulator is used not only to simulate the change of back-pressure caused by the change of engine operation condition, but also to distribute the mass flow into the two flowpaths linearly during the mode transition. The new simulator can keep the sum of the throttle ratios of turbojet/ramjet flowpaths as a constant in every moment during the process. For the inlet discussed in this paper, when the total throttle ratio is equal to 65% during the mode transition, the terminal shock locates in the throat of the TBCC inlet, the Mach number at the aerodynamic interface plane of this inlet is basically equal to 0.30, the flow ratio of this section is basically equal to 0.45, and the flow ratio into two flowpaths is distributed linearly. This simulator thus can meet the needs of expected goal.

Key words: airbreathing hypersonic propulsion system, turbine based combined cycle (TBCC), tandem type TBCC inlet, mode transition simulator, wind tunnel test
