航空学报 > 2021, Vol. 42 Issue (2): 624058-624058   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2020.24058



张宇佳1, 左光1, 徐艺哲1, 杜若凡1, 赵飞1, 屈峰2   

  1. 1. 中国空间技术研究院 载人航天总体部, 北京 100094;
    2. 西北工业大学 航空学院, 西安 710072
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-03 修回日期:2020-07-31 发布日期:2020-09-17
  • 通讯作者: 左光 E-mail:zuoguang2020@163.com

Numerical simulation on aerodynamic characteristics of new type control surface of Starship

ZHANG Yujia1, ZUO Guang1, XU Yizhe1, DU Ruofan1, ZHAO Fei1, QU Feng2   

  1. 1. Institution of Manned Spacecraft System Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China;
    2. School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
  • Received:2020-04-03 Revised:2020-07-31 Published:2020-09-17

摘要: 作为新型垂直起降的载人航天器,Starship采用了新型舵面控制方式,其通过前后两组可沿轴线方向偏转的翼面来实现对机体的控制。通过CFD数值模拟手段对该种舵面形式的气动特性进行了系统研究,得到了该种舵面偏转方式对飞行器升阻力和三轴力矩的影响,并分析了其内在机理。在小攻角下,Starship后翼为操纵面,其偏转对控制力系数的影响较为显著,偏转角度与控制力系数基本成线性关系;前翼偏转则对阻力系数的影响较为显著,偏转角度与阻力系数基本线性相关。后翼偏转角与俯仰力矩系数和滚转力矩系数的线性相关性较好,对偏航力矩系数也有耦合影响。前翼的偏转对偏航力矩系数的影响显著,同时与滚转力矩系数和俯仰力矩系数的耦合较小。在大攻角下,尤其是在着陆阶段攻角大于90°的情况下,传统的襟副翼控制方式失效概率高,而新型舵面控制形式前翼和后翼偏转与三轴力矩系数的相关性仍非常强。其对于俯仰通道、滚转通道和偏航通道均能保持良好的操纵特性。

关键词: Starship, 新型舵面, 气动特性, 着陆, 大分离

Abstract: As a new vertical take-off and landing manned spacecraft, Starship adopts a new type of control surface. Two groups of wings separately mounted in the front and rear of the body that can be deflected along the axis direction are used to control the body movement. The aerodynamic characteristics of the Starship control surface are studied through numerical simulation. The influence of the control surface deflection on the lift, the drag and the triaxial torque is systematically investigated. At a small angle of attack, the rear wings are the main lift surface, with an almost linear relation between the deflected angle and the lift coefficient. The influence of the front wing deflection on the drag coefficient is more significant, and the relation between the deflected angle of the front wings and the drag coefficient is also linear. The deflection of the rear wings could affect the pitching moment, the rolling moment, and the yawing moment. The correlations between the deflection of the rear wings and the pitching moment coefficient and the rolling moment coefficient are almost linear. The deflection of the front wings almost only affects the yawing moment. At a large angle of attack, particularly when the attack angle is larger than 90°, the traditional flaperon control mode is basically ineffective. However, a strong relation between the triaxial moment coefficient and the deflection angle of the front and rear wings for the new control mode still exist. Therefore, Starship could still control the triaxial motion by deflecting both sides of the front and rear wings.

Key words: Starship, new control surface, aerodynamic characteristics, landing, large separation
