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  1. 1. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心
    2. 西北工业大学
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-01 修回日期:2024-07-03 出版日期:2024-07-11 发布日期:2024-07-11
  • 通讯作者: 杨智春
  • 基金资助:

A Review of Model Vibration Mechanism and Active Control in Wind Tunnel Test

  • Received:2024-04-01 Revised:2024-07-03 Online:2024-07-11 Published:2024-07-11

摘要: 风洞常规测力试验中经常会出现模型大幅度振动的问题,影响试验数据精度甚至威胁设备安全。深入认识模型振动的发生机理,结合有效的控制手段减小试验中的模型振动幅值,对风洞试验研究有重要意义。首先介绍了风洞模型振动的危害与减小模型振动的意义,分析了模型发生振动的机理,总结了常见的减小模型振动的方法及其研究进展,重点分析了主动振动控制方法涉及的内容与技术难点。已有的研究工作表明,在各种减缓模型振动的方法中,以压电堆作为作动器的主动控制方法最能符合工程实用要求,且减振效果较好。最后对大型风洞中模型振动控制需要研究的问题给出了若干建议。

关键词: 模型振动, 振动主动控制, 压电堆作动器, 控制算法, 风洞试验

Abstract: Undesirable model vibration often occurs in a conventional wind tunnel force test. Large amplitude model vibrations may affect test data adversely and even threaten the safe operation of equipment. It is of great importance to fully understand the mechanism of model vibration occurrence and reduce the vibration amplitude by effective means in wind tunnel tests. The harms of model vibration are introduced at first. Then the types of model vibrations are summarized. The status and progress of reducing model vibrations by various methods are presented. The key points and technical difficulties involved in the active control method are analyzed. The existing literature shows that the active control method with the piezoelectric stack as the actuator can best meet the requirements of the engineering practice, and the vibration damping effect is better than other methods. Finally, several suggestions regarding future research of model vibration control in the large-scale wind tunnel are also presented.

Key words: model vibration, active vibration control, piezoelectric stack actuator, control algorithm, wind tunnel test
