ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 426843.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2022.26843
• Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing • Previous Articles Next Articles
Benqi SUN1, Qiang YANG1,2(), Zhili SUN1, Shujun LI1,3, Hongkun MA1, Ruonan WANG1
Qiang YANG
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Benqi SUN, Qiang YANG, Zhili SUN, Shujun LI, Hongkun MA, Ruonan WANG. A probabilistic evaluation model for configuration transformation ability of planar constrained metamorphic mechanisms[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2023, 44(4): 426843.
Table 1
Structural parameters and tolerances of paper folding mechanism
参数 | 数值 | 参数 | 数值 | 参数 | 数值 |
lAB /mm | N~(180,0.042) | lBC /mm | N~(360,0.06) | lCD /mm | N~(240,0.048) |
lCE /mm | N~(360,0.06) | lEF /mm | N~(210,0.048) | lAD /mm | 315 |
maxlAF /mm | 870 | mAB /kg | N~(1,0.007) | mBC /kg | N~(1.5,0.01) |
mCD /kg | N~(1,0.007) | mCE /kg | N~(1.5,0.01) | mEF /kg | N~(2,0.013) |
mslider/kg | N~(1,0.007) | JAB /(kg·m2) | 0.002 7 | JBC /(kg·m2) | 0.016 2 |
JCD /(kg·m2) | 0.004 8 | JCE /(kg·m2) | 0.016 2 | JEF /(kg·m2) | 0.007 35 |
a/mm | 250 | k1/(N·mm-1) | N~(10,0.1) | d1/mm | N~(100,0.667) |
d2/mm | N~(120,0.667) | b/mm | 76 | k2/(N·mm-1) | N~(0.5,0.01) |
ω1/(rad·s-1) | N~(2π,0.01) | α/(°) | N~(120.3,0.167) | Δθ1/(°) | N~(0,0.067) |
Table 3
Theoretical calculation and Monte Carlo simulation results of reliability
构态 | 角度/(°) | μZ | σZ | β | 可靠度 | 蒙特卡洛 |
构态Ⅰ | -21 | 2.581 7 | 0.519 4 | 4.970 5 | 1 | 1 |
构态Ⅰ | -20 | 1.791 8 | 0.525 6 | 3.408 8 | 0.999 7 | 0.999 6 |
构态Ⅰ | -19 | 1.331 4 | 0.533 7 | 2.494 7 | 0.993 7 | 0.963 3 |
构态Ⅰ | -18 | 1.247 4 | 0.544 0 | 2.293 0 | 0.989 1 | 0.988 6 |
构态Ⅰ | -17 | 1.584 6 | 0.557 0 | 2.844 9 | 0.997 8 | 0.998 1 |
构态Ⅰ | -16 | 2.383 2 | 0.572 9 | 4.159 9 | 1 | 1 |
切换时刻 | -15.2 | 42.133 6 | 1.060 6 | 39.726 2 | 1 | 1 |
构态Ⅱ | -15 | 132.477 9 | 3.884 8 | 34.101 6 | 1 | 1 |
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