
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (17): 529856-529856.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.29856

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Overall parameter design of solar UAV considering uncertainty

Yuan YAO(), Yuke DAI, Yiming XU   

  1. AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Chengdu 610091,China
  • Received:2023-11-10 Revised:2023-12-01 Accepted:2023-12-22 Online:2024-01-04 Published:2023-12-29
  • Contact: Yuan YAO E-mail:fanfusuziyy@163.com


Compared with the design of conventional aircraft, that of ultra-high-altitude solar UAV platforms needs to meet special requirements such as weak energy balance, high lift-drag ratio, ultra-low wing load, and ultra-lightweight structure. Therefore, the overall parameter value is closely related to the structure, energy, power and other sub-system parameters and performance parameters, and the change of each sub-system parameter and the performance parameter will directly affect the design result of the overall parameter. Based on the energy balance constraint and weight balance constraint, the overall parameter model of ultra-high altitude solar UAVs is established in this paper. Next, with the aspect ratio and photovoltaic panel rate as optimization design variables and the aircraft take-off weight and wing area as optimization objectives, an overall parameter design method considering the influence of uncertainty is proposed based on the deterministic overall parameter optimization model by introducing the uncertainty of key parameters, overcoming the limitations of the deterministic overall parameter design method. In addition to improving the performance of the overall parameter, the feasible probability of the overall parameter under parameter perturbation is ensured.

Key words: ultra-high altitude solar UAV, overall parameter design method, uncertainty, energy balance, feasible probability

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