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  1. 1. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心
    2. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心低速空气动力研究所
    3. 北京航空航天大学
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-08 修回日期:2024-03-01 出版日期:2024-03-11 发布日期:2024-03-11
  • 通讯作者: 章贵川

Flight dynamics modeling and control scheme design of a compound high-speed unmanned helicopter

  • Received:2023-11-08 Revised:2024-03-01 Online:2024-03-11 Published:2024-03-11

摘要: 复合式高速无人直升机主要具有旋翼、机翼、螺旋桨、机身和平/垂尾等气动部件。各个部件之间的气动干扰复杂且随前飞速度强烈、快速地变化,必须根据前飞速度修正飞行动力学模型参数,才能获得较高的模型置信度;同时,必须根据前飞速度调整飞行控制策略,动态实现整个速度包线稳定可控飞行。为此,本文建立了复合式高速无人直升机飞行动力学机理模型,利用全机组合风洞配平试验数据进行了模型修正,有效提高了数学模型置信度;在配平点处,将非线性动力学模型线性化,获得了开环本体动力学特性随前飞速度的演化规律,并评估了控制增稳系统对闭环操稳性能的改善效果;在经典控制架构基础上,针对复合式高速无人直升机的升力、推力和偏航复合特性,设计了前馈补偿、回路加权和控制分配策略,并开展了仿真和试飞验证。研究结果表明:本文建立的非线性动力学模型具有较高置信度,数学模型配平结果与风洞试验配平试验结果一致性较好;高/低阶线性模型的特征根分布规律基本一致,操纵响应历程与非线性动力学模型吻合较好;速度包线范围内升力、推力、航向复合飞行控制策略的有效性通过了飞行仿真检验;成功开展了国内首款300kg级复合式高速无人直升机原理样机试飞,验证了悬停和小速度状态下的飞行控制策略有效性。

关键词: 复合式高速直升机, 飞行动力学, 风洞试验, 飞行控制律, 飞行仿真, 飞行试验

Abstract: Compound high-speed unmanned helicopter consists mainly of aerodynamic components, such as rotor, wing, propeller, fuselage, and horizontal & vertical tails. Aerodynamic interferences between components can be com-plex and vary rapidly with forward flight speed. To achieve a high level of model confidence, it is necessary to cor-rect the flight dynamics model parameters according to the forward flight speed. The aerodynamic characteristics of each component change significantly and non-linearly with forward flight speed. Therefore, the flight control scheme must be adjusted accordingly to achieve stable and controllable flight throughout the entire speed enve-lope. This paper presents a model for the flight dynamics of a high-speed compound unmanned helicopter and shows the effectiveness of correcting the model based on wind tunnel trimming tests. The method significantly en-hances the confidence of the mathematical model. At the trimming point, the non-linear dynamics model was line-arized to obtain the evolution of the open-loop dynamics with forward flight speed. The study evaluated the effect of the control augmentation system on the closed-loop steering stability performance. Based on the classical control approach, a set of practical feed-forward compensation, loop weighting, and control allocation strategies were de-signed for the compound high-speed unmanned helicopter's lift, thrust, and yaw characteristics. Simulation and test flight verification were carried out to confirm the effectiveness of these strategies. The research results show that the nonlinear dynamic model has high fidelity, and the consistency between the trim results of the mathematical model and wind tunnel tests is good. The distribution of eigenvalues of the high/low-order linear models is basically consistent, and the maneuver response characteristics are in good agreement with the nonlinear dynamic model, indicating that the low-order linear model can be used to design the control stabilization system. The flight simula-tion preliminarily validates the effectiveness of the compound strategies for rotor/wing lift, rotor/propeller thrust, and propeller/rudder yaw control. The successful flight test of the first 300kg prototype in China validates the compound flight control scheme in hover and low-speed flight and further confirms the high reliability of the non-linear dynam-ic model.

Key words: compound high-speed helicopter, flight dynamics, wind tunnel test, control scheme, flight simulation, flight test
