
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

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MAGIC CARPET landing flow angle reconstruction algorithm under sensor failure


  • Received:2024-09-06 Revised:2024-10-25 Online:2024-10-29 Published:2024-10-29

Abstract: The MAGIC CARPET carrier landing control system relies on stable and accurate flow angle signals. However, the flow angle sensors operate in harsh environments, resulting in low accuracy and susceptibility to damage. In such cases, other sensor signals can be used to reconstruct the required flow angle signal. However, existing flow angle reconstruction algorithms can only construct the inertial flow angle, and most algorithms overlook the drift errors of inertial sensors. During the Magic Carpet carrier landing process, the carrier-based aircraft operates at low speeds and high angles of attack, and disturbances from the ship's wake flow can cause significant deviations between the estimated inertial angle of attack and the true flow angle, hindering the control system's stability and trajectory cor-rection. To address this issue, a Magic Carpet carrier landing flow angle reconstruction algorithm is proposed for use in the event of sensor failure. This algorithm estimates the ship's wake flow, the angle of attack, and the sideslip angle without the need for a flow angle sensor, while also considering inertial sensor drift errors. The flow angle reconstruction algorithm is integrated into the designed Magic Carpet carrier landing control system loop, and the reconstructed flow angle signal is used in the landing control law calculation for digital and hardware-in-the-loop simulation verification. The results demonstrate that the algorithm can estimate the ship's wake flow and inertial sensor drift errors, producing a reconstructed flow angle signal that accurately reflects the true flow angle infor-mation. The signal is smooth and stable, without diverging over time, and can be used in the Magic Carpet carrier landing control law calculation to maintain a stable flow angle, enabling rapid and precise trajectory correction for the carrier-based aircraft.

Key words: Flow angle reconstruction, Estimation, MAGIC CARPET, Direct force control, Reliability

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