
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 520700-520711.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0276

• Special Column of Aviation Guided Weapons • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research progress on ice shape measurement approaches for aircraft icing

YI Xian1, WANG Bin2, LI Weibin1, GUO Long3   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China;
    2. Facility Design and Instrumentation Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China;
    3. Low Speed Aerodynamics Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China
  • Received:2016-08-23 Revised:2016-10-26 Online:2017-02-15 Published:2016-11-08
  • Supported by:

    National Natural Science Foundation of China (11172314, 11602292); National Basic Research Program of China (2015CB755800)


Study on ice shapes under different icing conditions is an indispensable part in research on aircraft icing, and is important for aerodynamic analysis, anti-icing system design, flight operation and airworthiness certification after aircraft icing. This paper focuses on the measurement approaches for ice shape. With sufficient survey of corresponding works home and abroad, the technological process and principle of each contact and non-contact approach are introduced, and their advantages and disadvantages are also summarized systematically. Based on this summary and characteristics of in-flight icing and icing wind test, the challenges in the future are pointed out, which mainly include all type ice measuring, whole area measuring, and on-line measuring. Possible work on ice shape measurement in the future by combining basic approaches and numerical methods is also discussed.

Key words: aircraft icing, icing wind tunnel, ice shape measurement, contact measurement, non-contact measurement

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