航空学报 > 2024, Vol. 45 Issue (7): 128811-128811   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.28811


代雨柔1,2, 李健1,2(), 薛晓鹏3, 荣伟1,2   

  1. 1.北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094
    2.中国航天科技集团有限公司 航天进入减速与着陆技术实验室,北京 100094
    3.中南大学 自动化学院,长沙 410083
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-04 修回日期:2023-06-11 接受日期:2023-07-05 出版日期:2024-04-15 发布日期:2023-07-14
  • 通讯作者: 李健 E-mail:lijian_bbmouth@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Aerodynamic characteristics of supersonic disk-gap-band parachute with different reefing ways

Yurou DAI1,2, Jian LI1,2(), Xiaopeng XUE3, Wei RONG1,2   

  1. 1.Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity,Beijing 100094,China
    2.Entry Deceleration and Landing Technology Laboratory,China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation,Beijing 100094,China
    3.College of Automation,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China
  • Received:2023-04-04 Revised:2023-06-11 Accepted:2023-07-05 Online:2024-04-15 Published:2023-07-14
  • Contact: Jian LI E-mail:lijian_bbmouth@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(12072377);Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province(2022JJ30678)



关键词: 盘缝带伞, 收口技术, 流固耦合, 阻力特征, 气动特征


With the development of aerospace engineering, the demand for the application of high-performance supersonic parachute with large area, high strength, low opening shock, and low weight and volume is becoming more and more prominent. Supersonic reefing technology is a possible way to meet the future demand, but research in this field remains limited both domestically and internationally. This paper studies the aerodynamic characteristics of supersonic disk-gap-band parachute in different reefing ways and different reefing ratios using the fluid-structure interaction method. The results show that when the mid-gore reefing parachute breaths, the disk keeps full and the band part expands and contracts irregularly. However, for the skirt reefing parachute, the band and disk part expand and contract together. For the aerodynamic characteristics of the parachute reefing, the drag coefficient and the projected area of the mid-gore reefing grow with the increase of reefing ratio, but the skirt reefing shows no obvious change.

Key words: disk-gap-band parachute, reefing technology, fluid-structure interaction, drag characteristics, aerodynamic characteristics
