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  1. 1. 北京航空航天大学
    2. 北京航空航天大学流体力学研究所
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-06 修回日期:2024-06-22 出版日期:2024-06-25 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 通讯作者: 冯立好

Research on wind tunnel virtual flight test of a flying wing configuration with active flow control

Yan-xiang HOU1,Li-Hao Feng   

  • Received:2024-05-06 Revised:2024-06-22 Online:2024-06-25 Published:2024-06-25
  • Contact: Li-Hao Feng

摘要: 飞翼布局飞行器具有良好的气动隐身性能,传统机械舵面会破坏其隐身外形,导致隐身性能下降,而主动流动控制方法能够有效解决上述弊端。首先,构建了集成闭环反馈主动流动控制的风洞虚拟飞行试验系统,可在风洞环境中实现定常来流与非定常来流下受控模型飞行姿态模拟和主动调控。进而,开展了飞翼布局主动流动控制风洞虚拟飞行试验,获得了定常来流条件下主动流动控制技术对飞翼布局三轴姿态控制规律。试验结果表明,基于后缘俯仰、滚转环量控制与翼尖反向射流能够分别产生规律可控的俯仰、滚转和偏航姿态控制力矩,实现飞翼布局的三轴姿态的稳定控制。特别的,采用俯仰环量控制对模型纵向姿态控制时,其产生的俯仰力矩与射流动量系数呈线性相关。进一步,提出了基于模型纵向姿态反馈的阵风载荷减缓闭环控制策略,验证了在阵风扰动下主动流动控制技术对飞翼布局的纵向增稳控制能力,进一步发现施加控制的射流强度、控制信号与阵风扰动的相位关系共同决定了增稳控制效果。

关键词: 风洞虚拟飞行试验, 主动流动控制, 阵风, 姿态控制, 飞翼布局

Abstract: Flying wing configuration aircraft possesses excellent aerodynamic and stealth characteristics. Traditional mechanical control surfaces can compromise its stealth profile, leading to a decrease in stealth performance. Active flow control (AFC) techniques effectively address the aforementioned drawbacks. First, a wind tunnel virtual flight test system, integrated with closed loop feedback control, was constructed. The system is capable of simulating and actively controlling the flight attitude of a controlled aircraft model under both steady and unsteady incoming flow condition. Based on that, wind tunnel virtual flight tests of a flying wing configuration model with AFC were conducted, obtaining its three-axis attitude control characteristics under steady flow conditions. Results demonstrate that consistent and controlled pitch and roll moments can be generated through trailing edge circulation control, while required yaw moment can be generated through wingtip reverse jets, achieving stable three-axis attitude control of a flying wing aircraft. Particularly, when controlling longitudinal attitude of the model with pitch circulation control, the generated pitch moment is linearly correlated with jet momentum coefficient. Furthermore, a closed loop control strategy for gust load alleviation based on model longitudinal attitude feedback was proposed. The stability enhancement ability of AFC for flying wing configuration model under gust disturbance was validated. Additionally, it was further discovered that the effectiveness of stability enhancement control is jointly determined by the intensity of the jet applied for control and the phase relationship between the control signal and the gust disturbance.

Key words: wind tunnel virtual flight test, active flow control, gust, attitude control, flying wing configuration
