ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 427004.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2022.27004
• Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhichuang CHEN1, Shenghong GE1,2,3, Zhuolei ZHANG2,3, Yuchuan ZHU1()
Yuchuan ZHU
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Zhichuang CHEN, Shenghong GE, Zhuolei ZHANG, Yuchuan ZHU. Internal leakage distribution model and parameter sensitivity analysis of spool valve couple at zero position[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2023, 44(6): 427004.
Table 1
Normal distribution characteristic parameters of size parameter perturbation of sleeve and spool
摄动量 | 均值μ | 标准差σ |
rslij | rsl/2 | rsl/(6Cp) |
rspi | rsp/2 | rsp/(6Cp) |
δi | (δr0+δr1)/2 | (δr1-δr0)/(6Cp) |
Δsl1j | 0 | Tsl/(6Cp) |
Δsl2j | 0 | Tsl/(6Cp) |
ΔL | 0 | Tsl/(6Cp) |
ΔL-Δsl3j | 0 | Tsl/(6Cp) |
ΔL+Δsl4j | 0 | Tsl/(6Cp) |
Δsp1 | 0 | Tsp4/(6Cp) |
Δsp1+Δsp2 | ||
-(Δsp2+Δsp3) | ||
Δsp3+Δsp4 |
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