航空学报 > 2003, Vol. 24 Issue (6): 495-498


梁苏南, 张曙光   

  1. 北京航空航天大学509教研室 北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2002-09-14 修回日期:2003-04-05 出版日期:2003-12-25 发布日期:2003-12-25

Topological Analysis on the Effects of Unsteady Aerodynamics on Motion of Aircraft

LIANG Su-nan, ZHANG Shu-guang   

  1. Faculty 509; Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Beijing100083; China
  • Received:2002-09-14 Revised:2003-04-05 Online:2003-12-25 Published:2003-12-25

摘要: 根据飞机六自由度运动模型和微分非定常气动力模型, 计算了周期轨道及平衡运动的拓扑结构图,初步研究了非定常气动力对飞机飞行的全局影响, 并通过系统的导算子矩阵根轨迹、时域仿真及其灵敏度分析, 提炼出非定常气动力对飞机飞行影响的初步机理。结果表明, 非定常气动力对飞机平衡运动的振荡不稳影响明显, 可以改变其稳定特性, 延迟Ho pf 分叉的出现。对于稳定的周期运动, 由于增加了系统的阻尼耗散项从而减少了振荡幅度。

关键词: 非定常气动力, 拓扑结构图, Hopf分叉, 旋转阻尼

Abstract: To study t he g lobal effects of unsteady aerodynamics on aircraft motio n, topological structur e diag ramsw ere computed, w hich were based on the 6??deg ree??of??freedom model o f motion and an unsteady aerody namic modelof the deriv ative t ype, and include information of equilibria, periodic or bits, turn points, static bifur cations andHopf bifurcations. The mechanism of effects was further abstr acted by evaluation of the loci of t he Jacobian matrixeig envalues and by time??dependence simulations. As the results show, unsteady aerodynamics has gr eat effects onoscillatory unst able motion and can delay the unstable tr end and Hopf bifurcations. How ever, unsteady aerodynamicshas little effect on monotonously unstable motio ns. Stable periodic motions such as wing??ro ck and oscillatory spintend to be suppressed or the amplitudes be lessened due to the rotational damping of the unsteady aer odynamic delay.

Key words: unsteady aerodynamics, topological structure diagram, Hopf bifurcation, rotational damping
