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  1. 北京航空航天大学
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-01 修回日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-02-02 发布日期:2024-02-02
  • 通讯作者: 池沛
  • 基金资助:

Self-adaptive formation control and dynamic path planning for air-ground heterogeneous swarm

  • Received:2023-11-01 Revised:2024-01-30 Online:2024-02-02 Published:2024-02-02

摘要: 针对异构感知条件下空地无人集群协同避障与导航问题,提出了集群队形自调节控制与动态路径规划方法。首先,考虑空地无人集群探测与通信约束,建立了无人机与地面机器人运动模型,设计了面向协同避障与导航的集群运动控制架构。其次,提出了机器人集群队形边界动态生成方法,分别设计了形状控制、个体避碰、编队控制与导航控制分量,实现了基于动态边界的集群队形自调节控制。结合机器人动态队形边界特性,提出了基于动态窗口优化的无人机路径规划方法。最后,设计了狭窄廊道协同避障与导航任务想定,通过仿真算例,分析了机器人集群队形边界缩放、变形 和旋转控制性能,验证了空地无人集群队形自调节控制与动态路径规划方法的可行性。

关键词: 空地无人集群, 无人机, 机器人, 协同避障与导航, 队形自调节控制, 动态路径规划

Abstract: To deal with the collective obstacle avoidance and navigation problem of UAV-UGV swarm with heterogeneous detection abilities, a self-adaptive formation control and dynamic path planning method is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the motion model of UAV and UGV is established respectively considering the constraints of detection and communication. And the control architecture is designed for the collective obstacle avoidance and navigation of swarm. Secondly, this paper proposes the dynamic formation boundary generation method for UGV swarm and designs shape control, inter-agent collision avoidance, formation and navigation control component separately to achieve self-adaptive formation control. Furthermore, a path planning method for UAV based on dynamic window approach is proposed in view of the characteristics of dynamic formation boundary. Finally, the paper designs the task situation of collective obstacle avoidance and navigation through narrow corridors. The performance of control law is analyzed under the situation of formation boundary scaling, deforming and rotating, and the effectiveness of the proposed self-adaptive formation control and dynamic path planning for air-ground swarm is validated.

Key words: air-ground heterogeneous swarm, unmanned aerial vehicle, unmanned ground vehicle, collective obstacle avoidance and navigation, self-adaptive formation control, dynamic path planning
