
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 300-309.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0310

• Components and Subsystems Design and Others • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization design of an internal blown flap used in large amphibian

WANG Miaoxiang, SUN Weiping, QIN Hejun   

  1. General Configuration and Aerodynamic Design Department, China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co., Ltd, Zhuhai 519040, China
  • Received:2015-09-09 Revised:2015-11-17 Online:2016-01-25 Published:2016-02-19


In order to improve the aerodynamics performance and increase the seaworthiness of an amphibian aircraft,the blown flap with high performance is designed to meet the requirements.Based on experiences about blown flap domestic and overseas,combined with the aircraft design framework of the aerodynamic integrated optimization and the advantage of the Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD),it is intended to design a scheme with high aerodynamic efficiency and practicality in engineering.The form of internal blown flap,the location of blow gaps and the parameters of gaps are designed;the efficiency of the scheme is certified by wind tunnel tests.These results show that the internal blown flap designed by the optimization method obviously delays flow separation of the flap,and maximum lift coefficient increases 20% compared with basic configuration under the same momentum coefficient condition,and the aerodynamic efficiency of blown flap is increased significantly,and the seaworthiness of the amphibian aircraft is raised.It is believed that the obtained results perhaps could be of some value in the engineering application of internal blown flap.

Key words: amphibian, internal blown flap, optimization design, CFD, wind tunnel test, maximum lift coefficient

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