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Optimization Design of a jet flap used in large amphibian


  • Received:2015-09-09 Revised:2015-11-21 Online:2015-11-23 Published:2015-11-23
  • Contact: Miao-Xiang WANG

Abstract: Abstract: In order to improve the take-off and landing performance of the large amphibian,enhance its anti-wave capacity, the jet flap with high-performance is designed to meet their performance requirements. In this paper, based on the existing jet flap research results, combined with the aircraft aerodynamic optimization design framework and CFD numerical simulation methods to design a high aerodynamic efficiency and engineering useable jet flap solutions as a design target, By research the basic form of jet flaps, gas blowing position and optimize the design parameters and so on, end-to proving the optimal design program by wind tunnel tests. From the analysis and verification results, use these optimization methods to design jet flap, in use the same momentum coefficient blowing conditions such flow separation flap has been significantly delayed and achieve maximum lift coefficient of about 20% upgrade, significantly enhance the aerodynamic efficiency of the jet flap, and laid the foundation for the jet flap engineering applications.

Key words: Key words: amphibian, jet flap, optimization design, CFD, wind tunnel test, The maximum lift coefficient