
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 1990, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 74-77.

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Zhang Guofu, Li Xianpin   

  1. Nanjing Aeronautical Institute
  • Received:1987-12-08 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1990-01-25 Published:1990-01-25

Abstract: A finite element method based on the minimum pressure integral obtained by a variational principle for full potential equation, is used to calculate the transonic flows around lifting fuselages. The nose of the fuselage is either pointed or with inlet. The fuse-Sage may be with arbitrary cross section and canopy.The artificial density method is used to capture the shock wave. In contrast to wings, the streamlines on the fuselage surface are complicated, especially for the lifting fuselage. A suitable artificial density formula has been develpoed in the present paper.On the fuselage surface, Neumann boudary conditions are satisfied automatically. In addition, Dirichlet condition on the far field boundary around a lifting fuselage is imposed directly. This condition can be prescribed from the far field approximation of the full potential equation.The system of equations deduced from the finite element discretization is solved by SLOR procedure, and the density is updated after each SLOR sweep. In orde e the convergence speed, a successive grid refinement technique is employed, and that reduces the computer time considerably. number of numerically computed examples are presented and compared with experimental results.

Key words: finite element, fnselage, transonic flow