Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (24): 428676-428676.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.28676
• Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing • Previous Articles
Liping LIU1(), Yuyang QI1, Yueguo LIN1, Rui BAO2, Jianxin XU1, Zhenyu FENG3, Guanghui QING1
Liping LIU
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Liping LIU, Yuyang QI, Yueguo LIN, Rui BAO, Jianxin XU, Zhenyu FENG, Guanghui QING. Tensile failure of carbon fiber composite material bonded-rivet hybrid repaired structure[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2023, 44(24): 428676-428676.
Table 1
Basic mechanical property parameters of T700/BA9916 materials
T700/BA9916材料性能 | 数值 |
11方向上的弹性模量E11/GPa | 121.0 |
22/33方向上的弹性模量E22=E33/GPa | 8.7 |
12/13方向上的剪切模量G12=G13/GPa | 4.16 |
23方向上的剪切模量G23/GPa | 3.00 |
12/13方向上的泊松比ν12=ν13 | 0.30 |
23方向上的泊松比ν23 | 0.45 |
x方向的拉伸强度极限XT/MPa | 2 395 |
x方向的压缩强度极限XC/MPa | 1 209 |
y/z方向的拉伸强度极限YT=ZT/MPa | 62.5 |
y/z方向的压缩强度极限YC=ZC/MPa | 207.0 |
12/13方向的剪切强度极限S12=S13/MPa | 134.6 |
23方向的剪切强度极限S23/MPa | 97.0 |
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