
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (20): 628425-628425.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.28425

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A robust control method for close formation of aerial-refueling UAVs

Xinyu ZHANG1,2, Siyu XIE1(), Yang TAO3, Gun LI1   

  1. 1.School of Aeronautics and Astronautics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu  611731,China
    2.School of Computer Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu  611731,China
    3.High Speed Aerodynamics Institute,China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang  621000,China
  • Received:2022-12-23 Revised:2023-02-13 Accepted:2023-03-10 Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-03-10
  • Contact: Siyu XIE E-mail:syxie@uestc.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province(2023NSFSC1428)


This paper proposes a distributed robust formation control method based on adaptive disturbance observers with the barrier function for the robust control problem of aerial-refueling UAV close formation systems. A simplified model of the second-order multi-agent system with unmatched and matched disturbances is constructed by transforming the fixed-wing UAV outer-loop dynamics model, and the adaptive disturbance observer of the corresponding channel is designed based on the barrier function. The consensus error function is defined by using the neighboring aircraft state information, and on this basis, distributed robust controllers for aerial-refueling UAV close formation systems are developed to achieve the ideal heterogeneous UAV formation tracking control performance based on the communication topology of the formation system and the introduction of disturbance compensation mechanism. According to the Lyapunov stability theory, the stability and convergence of the closed-loop system are analyzed. Finally, the proposed scheme is verified by implementing into a formation system consisting of one refueling aircraft and two fuel-receiving aircraft of different types for numerical simulation. The simulation results are consistent with the theoretical analysis, which confirms the effectiveness of the designed disturbance observer and controller.

Key words: aerial refueling, UAV formation system, distributed robust control, disturbance estimation and compensation, Lyapunov stability, cooperative flight control

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