
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 437-450.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0185

• Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Aerodynamic performance of GAW-1 airfoil leading-edge and trailing-edge variable camber

LU Weishuang1, TIAN Yun1, LIU Peiqing2, WANG Tao1, ZHANG Liangfu1   

  1. 1. Large Aircraft Advanced Training Center, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2015-03-17 Revised:2015-06-16 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2015-06-29


The traditional high-lift device is used to improve the taking-off and landing aerodynamic performance of aircraft. By using the method of computational fluid dynamics(CFD), an idea of leading-edge and trailing-edge variable camber devices based on general aviation airfoil is introduced. The influences of leading-edge variable camber device, trailing-edge flap/aileron, and both leading-edge and trailing-edge variable camber devices of GAW-1 airfoil in the climbing state on airfoil aerodynamic performances are studied respectively. Learning from the results, leading-edge variable camber device can effectively improve the airfoil stall characteristics, increasing the angle of stall by about 3°, and the maximum lift coefficient has been increased by 4.56%. At the same time, the lift-to-drag ratio has been increased by 50% to 120%. But with the design lift coefficient, both lift coefficient and drag coefficient have been decreased. On the other hand, the function of trailing-edge variable camber device is to reposition the maximum of lift-to-drag ratio and to increase the lift coefficient by about 6% at a small angle of attack. Composite deflection of airfoil can increase lift coefficient at small angle of attack and increase lift-to-drag ratio at large angle of attack.

Key words: general aircraft, leading-edge droop nose, trailing-edge flap, ailerons, variable camber, aerodynamic performance

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