航空学报 > 2024, Vol. 45 Issue (18): 129855-129855   doi: 10.7527/S10006893.2023.29855


孟庆东, 雷娟棉, 周玲()   

  1. 北京理工大学 宇航学院,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-09 修回日期:2024-02-01 接受日期:2024-03-20 出版日期:2024-04-07 发布日期:2024-04-07
  • 通讯作者: 周玲 E-mail:lingzhou@bit.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Influence of transition characteristics and angle of attack of HyTRV based on transition model

Qingdong MENG, Juanmian LEI, Ling ZHOU()   

  1. School of Astronautics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2023-11-09 Revised:2024-02-01 Accepted:2024-03-20 Online:2024-04-07 Published:2024-04-07
  • Contact: Ling ZHOU E-mail:lingzhou@bit.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Science and Technology Major Project



关键词: 转捩模型, HyTRV, 边界层转捩, 高超声速, 横流


For hypersonic vehicles, certain issues are crucial to the success of flight plans, including sudden increase in surface heat flux, rising aerodynamic drag coefficients, and changes in intake airflow caused by boundary layer transition. Therefore, conducting in-depth research into boundary layer transition phenomena at hypersonic speeds is imperative. An improved k-ω-γ transition model is utilized to numerically simulate the transition characteristics of the Hypersonic Transition Research Vehicle (HyTRV). Firstly, the results of the baseline condition of the HyTRV obtained with the improved k-ω-γ transition model are compared with the results of wind tunnel test, affirming that the transition model possesses a good predictive capability for the transition phenomenon of the HyTRV configuration. Then, the transition properties of the HyTRV configuration are analyzed, disclosing the existence of streamwise vortex instability, secondary instability, and cross-flow instability on HyTRV to induce boundary layer transitions. Finally, different transition configurations of HyTRV at various angles of attack are investigated. As the angle of attack increases, the streamwise vortex on the windward surface becomes compressed, and the streamwise vortex on the leeward surface moves upward. The deformation and movement of the streamwise vortex lead to changes in the transition configurations, which results in the merging of different transition areas. This research not only reveals the pattern of changes in the HyTRV’s shape with varying angles of attack, but also demonstrates the significant application potential of the improved k-ω-γ transition model in addressing complex shapes of hypersonic vehicles. It offers an effective analytical tool for in-depth exploration of boundary layer phenomena in complex vehicles.

Key words: transition mode, Hypersonic Transition Research Vehicle (HyTRV), boundary layer transition, hypersonic, cross-flow
