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  1. 1. 中国民用航空飞行学院民航安全工程学院安全技术教研室
    2. 中国民用航空飞行学院民航安全工程学院
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-27 修回日期:2024-01-02 出版日期:2024-01-04 发布日期:2024-01-04
  • 通讯作者: 王帅

Research on Building a Knowledge Graph for Fault Diagnosis of Aviation Equipment Based on Deep Learning

  • Received:2023-11-27 Revised:2024-01-02 Online:2024-01-04 Published:2024-01-04

摘要: 针对航空设备故障数据量庞大且传统故障诊断方法低效的问题,利用知识图谱技术构建高性能图数据库来替代传统民机所用的关系数据库以提高故障诊断决策效率,并通过一种以注意力机制(Attention)结合双向门控循环神经网络(BiGRU)对知识抽取模型进行优化与改进。通过专家经验设计知识图谱的本体,在此基础上明确知识图谱中实体和关系类型。随后,利用BIO标注的故障文本语料训练BiGRU-Attention优化的知识抽取模型,以提高从非结构化文本中抽取实体和关系的效率。通过与经典知识抽取模型进行比较,发现BiGRU-Attention改进的知识抽取模型具有更优越的识别效果。最终,利用抽取出的实体和关系构建航空设备故障诊断知识图谱,有助于机务人员在航空设备故障维修中进行更准确的故障诊断。

关键词: 航空设备故障, 知识图谱, 注意力机制, 双向门控循环神经网络, 故障诊断

Abstract: In response to the challenge of large volumes of aviation equipment failure data and the inefficiency of traditional fault diagnosis methods, we have employed knowledge graph technology to build a high-performance graph database. This database replaces the conventional relational databases used in civilian aircraft to enhance the efficiency of fault diagnosis decision-making. Additionally, we have optimized and improved the knowledge extraction model through the integration of an attention mechanism and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU). Initially, we designed the ontology of the knowledge graph based on expert experience, clearly defining entities and relationship types within the knowledge graph. Subsequently, we trained the BiGRU-Attention optimized knowledge extraction model using fault-text corpora annotated with BIO tags. This training aims to enhance the efficiency of extracting entities and relationships from unstructured text. Comparisons with classical knowledge extraction models reveal that the BiGRU-Attention improved model demonstrates superior recognition performance. Ultimately, we utilized the extracted entities and relationships to construct a knowledge graph for diagnosing faults in aviation equipment. This knowledge graph facilitates more accurate fault diagnosis for maintenance personnel involved in aviation equipment troubleshooting.

Key words: aviation equipment malfunction, knowledge graph, attention mechanism, bidirectional gated recurrent neural network, fault diagnosis
