解维华, 韩国凯, 孟松鹤, 杨强, 金华
XIE Weihua, HAN Guokai, MENG Songhe, YANG Qiang, JIN Hua
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摘要: 针对中国天地往返和深空探测领域对热防护结构的需求,综述了国内外返回舱和空间探测器热防护材料/结构的发展现状,着重介绍了包括蜂窝增强热防护材料、纤维增强热防护材料、组合式热防护结构以及展开式热防护结构等在内的代表性热防护材料/结构的设计理念和性能特征。在系统总结热防护结构发展趋势的基础上,分析了返回舱和空间探测器热防护结构发展中存在的关键问题,可以看出:纤维增强热防护材料在热防护结构重量方面表现出了突出优势,材料拼接设计成为结构发展的重要阻碍;组合式热防护结构设计在现有材料发展水平的基础上,将成为提高热防护结构效率的有力途径;展开式热防护结构有望使航天器有效载荷重量显著提升,但受限于柔性热防护材料性能和结构工艺,仍有待发展。更加频繁的天地往返运输和深空探测项目的开展必将对热防护结构发展产生巨大的推动作用。
解维华, 韩国凯, 孟松鹤, 杨强, 金华. 返回舱/空间探测器热防护结构发展现状与趋势[J]. 航空学报, 2019, 40(8): 22792-022792.
XIE Weihua, HAN Guokai, MENG Songhe, YANG Qiang, JIN Hua. Development status and trend of thermal protection structure for return capsules and space probes[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019, 40(8): 22792-022792.
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[74] | FENG J Z, FENG J, JIANG Y G, et al. Ultralow density carbon aerogels with low thermal conductivity up to 2000℃[J]. Materials Letters, 2011, 65:3454-3456. |
[49] | VENKATAPATHY E, ELLERBY D, GAGE P, et al. Heat-shield for extreme entry environment technology (HEEET) development status[C]//13th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2016. |
[33] | MILOS F S, GASCH M J, PRABHU D K. Conformal Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (C-PICA) arcjet testing, ablation and thermal response:AIAA-2015-1448[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2015. |
[75] | SUN W, DU A, GAO G H, et al. Graphene-templated carbon aerogels combining with ultra-high electrical conductivity and ultra-low thermal conductivity[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 253:71-79. |
[76] | XU X, ZHANG Q Q, HAO M L, et al. Double-negative-index ceramic aerogels for thermal superinsulation[J]. Science, 2019, 363:723-727. |
[50] | MILOS F S, CHEN Y K, MAHZARI M. Arcjet tests and thermal response analysis for dual-layer woven carbon phenolic:AIAA-2017-3353[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2017. |
[34] | GASCH M, BECK R, AGRAWAL P. Arcjet testing of advanced conformal ablative TPS[C]//38th Annual Conference on Composites, Materials and Structures. Washington D.C.:NASA, 2014:1-27. |
[77] | BECK R A S, ARNOLD J O, WHITE S, et al. Overview of initial development of flexible ablators for hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators:AIAA-2011-2511[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
[51] | ELLERBY D, BOGHOZIAN T, DRIVER D, et al. Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) development and maturation status[C]//Outer Planet Advisory Group (OPAG) Spring Meeting. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2018. |
[35] | STACKPOOLE M M, GHANDEHARI E M, THORNTON J J, et al. Flexible ablators:US 9592923 B1[P]. 2017-03-14. |
[78] | HUGHES S J, DILLMAN R A, STARR B R, et al. Inflatable Re-entry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE) design overview:AIAA-2005-1636[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2005. |
[52] | VENKATAPATHY E, ELLERBY D, STACKPOOLE M, et al. Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET)[C]//11th Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Meeting, 2013. |
[36] | STACKPOLE M, THORNTON J, FAN W, et al. Development of low density flexible carbon phenolic ablators[C]//2011 National Space and Missile Materials Symposium. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2011:1-22. |
[79] | DILLMAN R. Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment-3(IRVE-3) project overview & instrumentation[C]//Entry Descent and Landing Workshop. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2015. |
[53] | WALKER S P, DARYABEIGI K, SAMAREH J A, et al. Preliminary development of a multifunctional hot structure heat shield:AIAA-2014-0350[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2014. |
[37] | ZELL P, VENKATAPATHY E, ARNOLD J. The block-ablator-in-a-honeycomb heat shield architecture overview[EB/OL]. (2014-05-19)[2018-07-22]. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228543129. |
[80] | LICHODZIEJEWSKI L, KELLEY C, TUTT B, et al. Design and testing of the inflatable aeroshell for the IRVE-3 flight experiment:AIAA-2012-1515[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2012. |
[54] | WALKER S P, DARYABEIGI K, SAMAREH J A, et al. A multifunctional hot structure heat shield concept for planetary entry:AIAA-2015-3530[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2015. |
[38] | MCGUIRE M K. Dual heat pulse, dual layer thermal protection system sizing analysis and trade studies for human Mars entry descent and landing:AIAA-2011-0343[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
[81] | DELCORSO J A, CHEATWOOD F M, BRUCE W E, et al. Advanced high-temperature flexible TPS for inflatable aerodynamic decelerators:AIAA-2011-2510[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
[55] | LANGSTON S L, LANG C G, SAMAREH J A. Parametric study of an ablative TPS and hot structure heatshield for a Mars entry capsule vehicle:AIAA-2017-5290[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2017. |
[39] | BOUILLY J M, PLAINDOUX C. ASTERM:Maturation of a new low density ablative material[C]//7th European Workshop on TPS & Hot Structures. Paris:European Space Agency, 2013. |
[40] | HONG C Q, HAN J C, ZHANG X H, et al. Novel phenolic impregnated 3-D fine-woven pierced carbon fabric composites:Microstructure and ablation behavior[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2012, 43(5):2389-2394. |
[82] | BRUCE W E, MESICK N J, FERLEMANN P G, et al. Aerothermal ground testing of flexible thermal protection systems for hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators[C]//9th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2012. |
[56] | BARCENA J, FLOREZ S, PEREZ B, et al. Novel hybrid ablative/ceramic development for re-entry in planetary atmospheric thermal protection:interfacial adhesive selection and test verification plan:AIAA-2014-2373[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2014. |
[41] | CHENG H M, XUE H F, HONG C Q, et al. Preparation, mechanical, thermal and ablative properties of lightweight needled carbon fibre felt/phenolic resin aerogel composite with a bird's nest structure[J]. Composites Science & Technology, 2017, 140:63-72. |
[57] | TRIANTOU K, MERGIA K, MARINOU A, et al. Novel hybrid ablative/ceramic layered composite for earth re-entry thermal protection:Microstructural and mechanical performance[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(4):1452-1461. |
[42] | WANG C H, JIN X Y, CHENG H M, et al. Organic aerogel impregnated low-density carbon/carbon composites:Preparation, properties and response under simulated atmospheric re-entry conditions[J]. Materials & Design, 2017, 131:177-185. |
[83] | HUGHES S J, CHEATWOOD F M, CALOMINO A M, et al. Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD) technology development overview[C]//10th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2013. |
[58] | TRIANTOU K, MERGIA K, FLOREZ S, et al. Thermo-mechanical performance of an ablative/ceramic composite hybrid thermal protection structure for re-entry applications[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2015, 82:159-165. |
[43] | YIN R Y, CHENG H M, HONG C Q, et al. Synthesis and characterization of novel phenolic resin/silicone hybrid aerogel composites with enhanced thermal, mechanical and ablative properties[J]. Composites Part A:Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2017, 101:500-510. |
[44] | 贾献峰, 刘旭华,乔文明,等.酚醛浸渍碳烧蚀体(PICA)的制备、结构及性能[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2016, 46(1):77-80,90. JIA X F, LIU X H, QIAO W M, et al. Preparation and properties of phenolic impregnated carbon ablator[J]. Aerospace Materials & Technology, 2016, 46(1):77-80,90(in Chinese). |
[45] | 贾献峰, 王际童,龙东辉,等. PICA-X的制备及其炭化前后性能研究[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2016, 46(6):46-49. JIA X F,WANG J T, LONG D H, et al. Preparation and properties of PICA-X before and after carbonization[J]. Aerospace Materials & Technology, 2016, 46(6):46-49(in Chinese). |
[46] | 董金鑫, 朱召贤,姚鸿俊,等. 酚醛气凝胶/碳纤维复合材料的结构调控及性能研究[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(11):4896-4901. DONG J X, ZHU Z X, YAO H J, et al. Structural control and properties of phenolic aerogel/carbon fiber composites[J]. CIESC Journal, 2018, 69(11):4896-4901(in Chinese). |
[59] | TRIANTOU K, PEREZ B, MARINOU A, et al. Performance of cork and ceramic matrix composite joints for re-entry thermal protection structures[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2017, 108:270-278. |
[84] | SWANSON G, SMITH B, AKAMINE R, et al. The HIAD orbital flight demonstration instrumentation suite[C]//15th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2018. |
[85] | 曹旭, 黄明星,丁弘,等. 充气式再入与减速系统柔性热防护材料的热冲击试验[J]. 载人航天, 2018, 24(1):26-33. CAO X, HUANG M X, DING H, et al. Thermal shock test of flexible thermal protection system for inflatable reentry and descent technology[J]. Manned Spaceflight, 2018, 24(1):26-33(in Chinese). |
[86] | 曹旭, 廖航,许望晶,等. 充气式减速技术试验器的设计和飞行试验[J]. 载人航天, 2018, 24(6):802-808. CAO X, LIAO H, XU W J, et al.Design and flight test of demonstration aircraft with inflatable reentry and descent technology[J]. Manned Spaceflight, 2018, 24(6):802-808(in Chinese). |
[87] | 贺卫亮, 才晶晶,汪龙芳,等. 一次发射多次返回的充气式再入飞行器技术[J]. 载人航天, 2011(4):37-42. HE W L, CAI J J, WANG L F, et al.Inflatable reentry technologies research for Single Launching and MultiReentry (SLMR) space transporting system[J]. Manned Spaceflight, 2011(4):37-42(in Chinese). |
[60] | TRIANTOU K, MERGIA K, PEREZ B, et al. Thermal shock performance of carbon-bonded carbon fiber composite and ceramic matrix composite joints for thermal protection re-entry applications[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2017, 111:270-278. |
[47] | ELLERBY D, VENKATAPATHY E, STACKPOOLE M, et al. Woven thermal protection system based Heat-shield for Extreme Entry Environments Technology (HEEET)[C]//National Space and Missile Materials Symposium. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2013:1-17. |
[61] | BARCENA J, GARMENDIA I, TRIANTOU K, et al. Infrared and vibration tests of hybrid ablative/ceramic matrix technological breadboards for earth re-entry thermal protection systems[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 134:85-97. |
[62] | 李俊宁, 胡子君,孙陈诚,等. 高超声速飞行器隔热材料技术研究进展[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2011,41(6):10-13, 31. LI J N, HU Z J, SUN C C, et al. Thermal insulation materials for hypersonic vehicles[J]. Aerospace Materials & Technology, 2011,41(6):10-13, 31(in Chinese). |
[88] | DILLMAN R. Inflatable reentry vehicles and instrumentation needs[C]//2015 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE Press, 2015. |
[63] | SUN J J, HU Z J, LI J N, et al. Thermal and mechanical properties of fibrous zirconia ceramics with ultra-high porosity[J]. Ceramics International, 2014, 40:11787-11793. |
[48] | FELDMAN J D, ELLERBY D, STACKPOOLE M, et al. Development of 3D woven ablative thermal protection systems (TPS) for NASA spacecraft[C]//South Texas Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Chapter Meeting. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2015:1-68. |
[64] | LI J N, HU Z J, WANG X T, et al. Preparation of nanoporous alumina superinsulator with ultra-low thermal conductivity and improved heat resistance up to 1200℃[J]. Ceramics International, 2017, 43:8343-8347. |
[65] | 张泽, 王晓栋,吴宇,等. 气凝胶材料及其应用[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2018, 46(10):1426-1446. ZHANG Z, WANG X D, WU Y, et al. Aerogels and their applications-A short review[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2018, 46(10):1426-1446(in Chinese). |
[66] | 高庆福, 张长瑞,冯坚,等. 氧化硅气凝胶隔热复合材料研究进展[J]. 材料科学与工程学报, 2009, 27(2):302-306. GAO Q F, ZHANG C R, FENG J, et al. Progress of silica aerogel insulation composites[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2009, 27(2):302-306(in Chinese). |
[89] | SWANSON G, CHEATWOOD N, JOHNSON K, et al. Manufacturing challenges and benefits when scaling the HIAD stacked-torus aeroshell to a 15m-class system[C]//13th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2016. |
[67] | PARALE V G, JUNG H N R, HAN W, et al. Improvement in the high temperature thermal insulation performance of Y2O3 opacified silica aerogels[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 727:871-878. |
[49] | VENKATAPATHY E, ELLERBY D, GAGE P, et al. Heat-shield for extreme entry environment technology (HEEET) development status[C]//13th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2016. |
[68] | XU L, JIANG Y G, FENG J Z, et al. Infrared-opacified Al2O3-SiO2 aerogel composites reinforced by SiC-coated mullite fibers for thermal insulations[J]. Ceramics International, 2015, 41:437-442. |
[90] | VENKATAPATHY E, ARNOLD J, FERNANDEZ I, et al. Adaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT):A feasibility study for human missions to mars:AIAA-2011-2608[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
[69] | LIU R L, DONG X, XIE S T, et al. Ultralight, thermal insulating, and high-temperature-resistant mullite-based nanofibrous aerogels[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360:464-472. |
[50] | MILOS F S, CHEN Y K, MAHZARI M. Arcjet tests and thermal response analysis for dual-layer woven carbon phenolic:AIAA-2017-3353[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2017. |
[70] | MA J, YE F, YANG C P, et al. Heat-resistant, strong alumina-modified silica aerogel fabricated by impregnating silicon oxycarbide aerogel with boehmite sol[J]. Materials & Design, 2017, 131:226-231. |
[91] | ARNOLD J O, PETERSON K H, YOUNT B C, et al. Thermal and structural performance of woven carbon cloth for adaptive deployable entry and placement technology:AIAA-2013-1370[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2013. |
[71] | ZU G Q, SHEN J, ZOU L P, et al. Highly thermally stable zirconia/silica composite aerogels prepared by supercritical deposition[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 238:90-96. |
[51] | ELLERBY D, BOGHOZIAN T, DRIVER D, et al. Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) development and maturation status[C]//Outer Planet Advisory Group (OPAG) Spring Meeting. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2018. |
[72] | ZU G Q, SHEN J, WANG W Q, et al. Heat-resistant, strong titania aerogels achieved by supercritical deposition[J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2015, 106:145-151. |
[73] | 吴晓栋, 崔升,王岭,等. 耐高温气凝胶隔热材料的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2015, 29(5):102-108. WU X D, CUI S, WANG L, et al. Advance in research of high temperature resistant aerogel used as insulation material[J]. Materials Review,2015, 29(5):102-108(in Chinese). |
[92] | CASSELL A, GORBUNOV S, YOUNT B, et al. System level aerothermal testing for the Adaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT)[C]//13th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2016. |
[74] | FENG J Z, FENG J, JIANG Y G, et al. Ultralow density carbon aerogels with low thermal conductivity up to 2000℃[J]. Materials Letters, 2011, 65:3454-3456. |
[52] | VENKATAPATHY E, ELLERBY D, STACKPOOLE M, et al. Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET)[C]//11th Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Meeting, 2013. |
[75] | SUN W, DU A, GAO G H, et al. Graphene-templated carbon aerogels combining with ultra-high electrical conductivity and ultra-low thermal conductivity[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 253:71-79. |
[93] | WERCINSKI P. The Adaptable, Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT)[C]//14th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2017. |
[76] | XU X, ZHANG Q Q, HAO M L, et al. Double-negative-index ceramic aerogels for thermal superinsulation[J]. Science, 2019, 363:723-727. |
[53] | WALKER S P, DARYABEIGI K, SAMAREH J A, et al. Preliminary development of a multifunctional hot structure heat shield:AIAA-2014-0350[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2014. |
[94] | SMITH B, WILLIAMS J, WERCINSKI P, et al. ADEPT SR-1 development and testing[C]//15th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2018. |
[77] | BECK R A S, ARNOLD J O, WHITE S, et al. Overview of initial development of flexible ablators for hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators:AIAA-2011-2511[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
[54] | WALKER S P, DARYABEIGI K, SAMAREH J A, et al. A multifunctional hot structure heat shield concept for planetary entry:AIAA-2015-3530[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2015. |
[78] | HUGHES S J, DILLMAN R A, STARR B R, et al. Inflatable Re-entry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE) design overview:AIAA-2005-1636[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2005. |
[55] | LANGSTON S L, LANG C G, SAMAREH J A. Parametric study of an ablative TPS and hot structure heatshield for a Mars entry capsule vehicle:AIAA-2017-5290[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2017. |
[79] | DILLMAN R. Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment-3(IRVE-3) project overview & instrumentation[C]//Entry Descent and Landing Workshop. Washington, D.C.:NASA, 2015. |
[56] | BARCENA J, FLOREZ S, PEREZ B, et al. Novel hybrid ablative/ceramic development for re-entry in planetary atmospheric thermal protection:interfacial adhesive selection and test verification plan:AIAA-2014-2373[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2014. |
[57] | TRIANTOU K, MERGIA K, MARINOU A, et al. Novel hybrid ablative/ceramic layered composite for earth re-entry thermal protection:Microstructural and mechanical performance[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(4):1452-1461. |
[80] | LICHODZIEJEWSKI L, KELLEY C, TUTT B, et al. Design and testing of the inflatable aeroshell for the IRVE-3 flight experiment:AIAA-2012-1515[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2012. |
[58] | TRIANTOU K, MERGIA K, FLOREZ S, et al. Thermo-mechanical performance of an ablative/ceramic composite hybrid thermal protection structure for re-entry applications[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2015, 82:159-165. |
[59] | TRIANTOU K, PEREZ B, MARINOU A, et al. Performance of cork and ceramic matrix composite joints for re-entry thermal protection structures[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2017, 108:270-278. |
[81] | DELCORSO J A, CHEATWOOD F M, BRUCE W E, et al. Advanced high-temperature flexible TPS for inflatable aerodynamic decelerators:AIAA-2011-2510[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
[60] | TRIANTOU K, MERGIA K, PEREZ B, et al. Thermal shock performance of carbon-bonded carbon fiber composite and ceramic matrix composite joints for thermal protection re-entry applications[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2017, 111:270-278. |
[61] | BARCENA J, GARMENDIA I, TRIANTOU K, et al. Infrared and vibration tests of hybrid ablative/ceramic matrix technological breadboards for earth re-entry thermal protection systems[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 134:85-97. |
[62] | 李俊宁, 胡子君,孙陈诚,等. 高超声速飞行器隔热材料技术研究进展[J]. 宇航材料工艺, 2011,41(6):10-13, 31. LI J N, HU Z J, SUN C C, et al. Thermal insulation materials for hypersonic vehicles[J]. Aerospace Materials & Technology, 2011,41(6):10-13, 31(in Chinese). |
[82] | BRUCE W E, MESICK N J, FERLEMANN P G, et al. Aerothermal ground testing of flexible thermal protection systems for hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators[C]//9th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2012. |
[63] | SUN J J, HU Z J, LI J N, et al. Thermal and mechanical properties of fibrous zirconia ceramics with ultra-high porosity[J]. Ceramics International, 2014, 40:11787-11793. |
[64] | LI J N, HU Z J, WANG X T, et al. Preparation of nanoporous alumina superinsulator with ultra-low thermal conductivity and improved heat resistance up to 1200℃[J]. Ceramics International, 2017, 43:8343-8347. |
[65] | 张泽, 王晓栋,吴宇,等. 气凝胶材料及其应用[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2018, 46(10):1426-1446. ZHANG Z, WANG X D, WU Y, et al. Aerogels and their applications-A short review[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2018, 46(10):1426-1446(in Chinese). |
[66] | 高庆福, 张长瑞,冯坚,等. 氧化硅气凝胶隔热复合材料研究进展[J]. 材料科学与工程学报, 2009, 27(2):302-306. GAO Q F, ZHANG C R, FENG J, et al. Progress of silica aerogel insulation composites[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2009, 27(2):302-306(in Chinese). |
[83] | HUGHES S J, CHEATWOOD F M, CALOMINO A M, et al. Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD) technology development overview[C]//10th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2013. |
[67] | PARALE V G, JUNG H N R, HAN W, et al. Improvement in the high temperature thermal insulation performance of Y2O3 opacified silica aerogels[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 727:871-878. |
[68] | XU L, JIANG Y G, FENG J Z, et al. Infrared-opacified Al2O3-SiO2 aerogel composites reinforced by SiC-coated mullite fibers for thermal insulations[J]. Ceramics International, 2015, 41:437-442. |
[84] | SWANSON G, SMITH B, AKAMINE R, et al. The HIAD orbital flight demonstration instrumentation suite[C]//15th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2018. |
[85] | 曹旭, 黄明星,丁弘,等. 充气式再入与减速系统柔性热防护材料的热冲击试验[J]. 载人航天, 2018, 24(1):26-33. CAO X, HUANG M X, DING H, et al. Thermal shock test of flexible thermal protection system for inflatable reentry and descent technology[J]. Manned Spaceflight, 2018, 24(1):26-33(in Chinese). |
[86] | 曹旭, 廖航,许望晶,等. 充气式减速技术试验器的设计和飞行试验[J]. 载人航天, 2018, 24(6):802-808. CAO X, LIAO H, XU W J, et al.Design and flight test of demonstration aircraft with inflatable reentry and descent technology[J]. Manned Spaceflight, 2018, 24(6):802-808(in Chinese). |
[87] | 贺卫亮, 才晶晶,汪龙芳,等. 一次发射多次返回的充气式再入飞行器技术[J]. 载人航天, 2011(4):37-42. HE W L, CAI J J, WANG L F, et al.Inflatable reentry technologies research for Single Launching and MultiReentry (SLMR) space transporting system[J]. Manned Spaceflight, 2011(4):37-42(in Chinese). |
[69] | LIU R L, DONG X, XIE S T, et al. Ultralight, thermal insulating, and high-temperature-resistant mullite-based nanofibrous aerogels[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360:464-472. |
[70] | MA J, YE F, YANG C P, et al. Heat-resistant, strong alumina-modified silica aerogel fabricated by impregnating silicon oxycarbide aerogel with boehmite sol[J]. Materials & Design, 2017, 131:226-231. |
[88] | DILLMAN R. Inflatable reentry vehicles and instrumentation needs[C]//2015 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE Press, 2015. |
[71] | ZU G Q, SHEN J, ZOU L P, et al. Highly thermally stable zirconia/silica composite aerogels prepared by supercritical deposition[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 238:90-96. |
[72] | ZU G Q, SHEN J, WANG W Q, et al. Heat-resistant, strong titania aerogels achieved by supercritical deposition[J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2015, 106:145-151. |
[73] | 吴晓栋, 崔升,王岭,等. 耐高温气凝胶隔热材料的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2015, 29(5):102-108. WU X D, CUI S, WANG L, et al. Advance in research of high temperature resistant aerogel used as insulation material[J]. Materials Review,2015, 29(5):102-108(in Chinese). |
[89] | SWANSON G, CHEATWOOD N, JOHNSON K, et al. Manufacturing challenges and benefits when scaling the HIAD stacked-torus aeroshell to a 15m-class system[C]//13th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 2016. |
[74] | FENG J Z, FENG J, JIANG Y G, et al. Ultralow density carbon aerogels with low thermal conductivity up to 2000℃[J]. Materials Letters, 2011, 65:3454-3456. |
[75] | SUN W, DU A, GAO G H, et al. Graphene-templated carbon aerogels combining with ultra-high electrical conductivity and ultra-low thermal conductivity[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 253:71-79. |
[90] | VENKATAPATHY E, ARNOLD J, FERNANDEZ I, et al. Adaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT):A feasibility study for human missions to mars:AIAA-2011-2608[R]. Reston, VA:AIAA, 2011. |
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