
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2009, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 773-779.

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Influence of Crosswind Speeds on Aircraft Wake Vortex Movement

Zhou Bin, Wang Xuesong, Wang Tao, Liu Junkai   

  1. College of Electronics Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology
  • Received:2008-02-19 Revised:2008-05-06 Online:2009-05-25 Published:2009-05-25
  • Contact: Zhou Bin

Abstract: In order to enable the airdrome radar to detect and locate aircraft wake vortices in real time, a passive conservative model is proposed to simulate the wake vortices with reasonable assumptions about the flying environment. This model can depict fairly well the movement evolution of water vapor and other matter in wake vortices.This model takes into consideration the influence of crosswind speeds in the atmosphere on wake vortices, and is used to simulate the wake vortices in real time and find their distribution characteristics at different crosswind speeds and times. Analysis of the impact of crosswind speeds on aircraft wake vortices indicates that the most dangerous crosswind speed is between 1.0~3.0 m/s. This conclusion can be of theoretical value in the study of the impact of vortices on aircraft flying.

Key words: aircraft, wake vortex, convectiondiffusion equation, crosswind speed, water vapor

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