
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 222314-222314.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22314

• Solid Mechanics and Vehicle Conceptual Design • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Scheduling algorithm for maintenance and service support of carrier-based aircraft on flight deck with different man-aircraft matching patterns

SU Xichao1, HAN Wei1, ZHANG Yong1, SONG Jingyu2, ZHAO Zhenyu3   

  1. 1. Naval Aviation University, Yantai 264001, China;
    2. System Engineering Research Institute, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Beijing 100094, China;
    3. 92950 Army Force PLA, Huludao 125100, China
  • Received:2018-05-10 Revised:2018-06-05 Online:2018-12-15 Published:2018-06-15
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (51375490)

Abstract: Maintenance and Service Support of Carrier-based Aircraft (MSSCA) on the flight deck is a key phase of full-cycle sortie, recovery and support operations. In this work, a scheduling method for maintenance and service support of carrier-based aircraft on flight deck with different man-aircraft matching patterns is proposed to improve the support capacity of multi-aircraft and reduce the burden of making support plans manually. Firstly, three man-aircraft matching patterns including aircrew of single-aircraft pattern, large aircrew pattern and integrated joint support pattern are analyzed systematically. Based on the precedence relations constraints and resources constraints such as transfer time and support range, a scheduling model for maintenance and service support of carrier-based aircraft on the flight deck, which is applicable to all man-aircraft matching patterns, is built to minimize the makespan of multi-aircraft, accumulative transfer time and sum of ratios of the idle time to the working time for personnel. Secondly, scheduling of MSSCA is abstracted to scheduling of a resource-constrained project, and a double-population genetic algorithm is designed to optimize the schedules based on the serial schedule generation scheme considering the transfer time of resources. Finally, simulation results of support cases show the proposed model and algorithm can achieve optimized scheduling for MSSCA of different matching patterns and improve the support objectives effectively. Under equal conditions, the integrated joint support pattern has higher support efficiency and better load balance for personnel, and the advantages become more obvious with the increase of the number of aircraft waiting for being transferred to the deck, but the accumulative transfer time is the longest. Its advantages and disadvantages are opposite to those of the aircrew of the single-aircraft pattern, and the results of the large aircrew pattern fall in between the results of the other two patterns.

Key words: carrier-based aircraft, maintenance and service support on flight deck, man-aircraft matching pattern, scheduling optimization, genetic algorithm, serial scheduling

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