
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 3060-3068.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0324

• Electronics and Control • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Radar target detection in low-altitude airspace with spatial features

CHEN Weishi, LI Jing   

  1. Airport Research Institute, China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology, Beijing 100028, China
  • Received:2014-08-26 Revised:2014-11-24 Online:2015-09-15 Published:2014-12-01
  • Supported by:

    Safety Capability Construction Funds of Civil Aviation (142146903072)


To achieve the surveillance of low-altitude airspace with the incoherent radar, a clutter suppression algorithm was proposed based on the spatial features with the purpose of distinguishing the dim small targets from clutters in the radar images of complex low-altitude airspace by the construction of an optimal classification plane, greatly improving the detection capability of the incoherent radar in low-altitude airspace. Firstly, the foreground and background statistical models are built by background subtraction and fixed threshold method. Then, with the spatial features extracted from these models, a Markov random field model is established to adapt to the thresholds in the optimal classification plane. The statistics from the foreground model reflected the aggregation degree of the concerned pixels, while those from the background model reflected their relative positions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the image sequences obtained with X-band and S-band marine radars. The detection results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm could detect the dim small targets with relatively low false alarm rate, outperforming the classical algorithms such as the constant false alarm rate. Finally, the proposed algorithm is combined with the target tracking algorithm achieved in the previous research, therefore an advanced algorithm is provided for the detection and tracking of radar targets in complex low-altitude airspace.

Key words: low-altitude airspace, radar, target, detection, optimal classification plane

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