
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 424937.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2021.24937

• Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Prediction of dangerous point of thermal barrier coating by biaxial stress state analysis

YAO Yudong1, AI Yanting1, SONG Chun2, GUAN Peng1, TIAN Jing1   

  1. 1. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Advanced Measurement and Test Technology for Aircraft Propulsion System, Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China;
    2. China Academy of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion Technology, Xi’an 710100, China
  • Received:2020-11-02 Revised:2021-02-03 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2021-02-02
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (11702177);Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (2020-BS-174);Project of Department of Education of Liaoning Province (JYT2020019)

Abstract: The spallation life cycle of thermal barrier coat (TBC) is a key factor for failure in one operating period of the aircraft engine. Research on the thermal fatigue life (TFL) of TBC has great significance for prolonging the service life of engine. An effective failure analysis method for TBC is performed using biaxial stress state analysis, finite element method, phenomenology theory, and linear cumulative damage model. It is demonstrated that with the increase of thermally grown oxide layer thickness, the position of the maximum thermal stress moves from peak to valley along the cosine curve of the top coat. Comparing with the traditional stress analysis method, the biaxial stress state analysis method is more suitable to predict the accurate position of the risk point, because the position of the normal stress peak and shear stress peak calculated by biaxial stress state analysis method is closer to each other. Based on the phenomenology theory and linear cumulative damage model, the accurate position of the risk point is determined at 3/10 of the axial distance from the peak to valley of the top coat. The predicted position of risk point is basically consistent with the normal crack location inside the top layer of TBC, which can verify the accuracy of the failure analysis method proposed in this paper.

Key words: thermal barrier coating, top coat, analysis of biaxial stress state, analysis of biaxial strain state, dangerous point prediction

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