
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 429-436.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0098

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Research progress of damage estimation for turbine blades based on infrared thermographic technology

GUO Wei, DONG Lihong, WANG Huipeng, XU Binshi   

  1. Science and Technology on Remanufacturing Laboratory, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072, China
  • Received:2015-01-19 Revised:2015-04-07 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2015-04-13
  • Supported by:

    National Basic Research Program of China(2011CB013401)


As a new non-destructive testing technology with characteristics of high efficiency, non-pollution and easy to operate, active infrared thermography is suitable for surface and subsurface defect detecting, therefore it has some advantages for damage evaluation of thin-walled parts such as turbine blades. Currently, damage evaluation research for high-temperature turbine blades based on active infrared thermography mainly focuse on four aspects:detection of fatigue crack in blade base material, testing of thermal grown oxide in the interface, thickness measurement and debonding detection of thermal barrier coatings. However, there are some problems and difficulties for existing research, such as the thermal excitation theory is still imperfect, the recognition accuracy of thermal infrared imager is not high enough, and processing methods of thermal images need to be improved. With the resolve of these theoretical and technical problems, active infrared thermography showing two development trends:from artificial to automatically recognition, and from quantitative detection to qualitative detection of defects. Overall, this technology has a large potential on damage evaluation of turbine blades in the future.

Key words: turbine blades, thermal barrier coatings, infrared thermography technology, damage evaluation, research status

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