
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 1989, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 192-197.

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Zhu Zhaoda1, Qiu Zhenming Zhang Xubao1   

  1. 1. Nanjing Aeronautical Institute;2. North-western Telecommunication Engineering Institute
  • Received:1987-10-19 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1989-03-25 Published:1989-03-25


The detection performance of quantized rank detectors (QRD)has been investigatel. These QRD are shown to be in the same class of structure with the locally optimum rank detector, but its implementation is easy. We obtain the efficacy of QRD in Gaussian noisewhere N is the number of reference cell, T, is the rank quantization threshold and σf is the average power of noise. The optimum rank quantization threshold (ORQT) which maximizes the eOR in Gaussian noise is approximatelyThe threshold value should be increased for a finite number of pulses integrated, and reduced in Weibull noise.Also, the performance of the quantized rank detector is compared with that of the locally optimum rank detector and the optimum parametric detector for Gaussian noise. The difference of asymptote performance between the QRD and MSD (Modified Savage Detector) is less than IdB.When Gaussian noise is considered some losses in signal-to-noise ratio are incurred in the QRD relative to the traditional SLD (square law detector) and LD (linear detector). But the loss decreases and can even become a gain when the noise distribution has a longer tail.

Key words: quantized rank detectors, Gaussian noise, threshold, asymptote performance