Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
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Abstract: The identification of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and flying birds based on radar track sequences is crucial for air safety supervision. In practical applications, with the continuous arrival of track data, it is essential to achieve accurate and rapid classification of UAVs/flying birds. A short-medium-long multi-scale dynamic classification mechanism characterized by “multi-feature rapid synthesis, multi-likelihood sequential decision, and multi-factor long-term precise classification” is proposed. In multi-feature rapid synthesis, the input track vector is categorized based on the same physical meaning: position-related features (representing the target’s situation occupancy), velocity-related features (representing target’s situation changes), and radiation-related features (representing target’s material structure). These features are then fed into a short-term multi-head one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) and synthesized using a channel attention mechanism, enabling real-time measurement of target attribute confidence. In multi-likelihood sequential decision-making, the likelihood distribution of target attribute confidence is statistically analyzed, and a multi-level decision logic incorporating both short-term and long-term confi-dence likelihood is designed to achieve comprehensive inference of target attributes over a longer time span. In multi-factor long-term precise classification, multiple factors measurements including velocity/heading angle changes and velocity/head angle trends are proposed and the random forest algorithm is then employed to accurately classify hard-to-distinguish samples with multiple features over a long period of time. The proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of classification accuracy, false positive rate, and false negative rate in real radar track data, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Key words: Radar target classification, multi-feature integration, multi-head 1D-CNN, likelihood-based decision-making, multi-factor measurement
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URL: https://hkxb.buaa.edu.cn/EN/10.7527/S1000-6893.2024.31408