ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 526580.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2022.26580
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Chengshi ZHAO1(), Yuping GAO1,2, Minglei TONG1, Xingzhi ZHU1, Jintao LUO1
Chengshi ZHAO
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Chengshi ZHAO, Yuping GAO, Minglei TONG, Xingzhi ZHU, Jintao LUO. Unity of pulsar-based ephemeris time-space reference systems for navigation[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2023, 44(3): 526580.
Table 1
Fitting values of pulsar ephemeris parameters with different versions of DE ephemeris
参数 | DE436 | DE200 | 偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 518 42(4) | 173.687 945 737 737 18(9) | 2.1×10-10 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 374 8(3)×10-15 | -1.728 240 9(6)×10-15 | 1.3×10-19 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 04:37:15.910 713 4(8) | -0.0018 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | -47:15:09.206 73(8) | 0.0018 |
赤经自行/(mas.a -1) | 121.438 8(6) | 121.360 6(15) | -0.078 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a -1) | -71.467 6(7) | -71.499 4(16) | -0.032 |
视差/mas | 6.64(6) | 8.24(16) | 1.6 |
残差/μs | 0.246 | 0.637 | 0.391 |
参考历元MJD | 55 000 | 55 000 |
Table 2
Fitting values of pulsar ephemeris parameters based on different time reference
参数 | TT(BIPM15) | TT(TAI) | 偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 518 42(4) | 173.687 945 737 519 04(4) | 6.2×10-13 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 374 8(3)×10-15 | -1.728 377 6(3)×10-15 | -2.8×10-21 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 04:37:15.912 532 8(3) | 1.0×10-7 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | 0 |
赤经自行/(mas.a -1) | 121.438 8(6) | 121.439 8(6) | 0.001 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a -1) | -71.467 6(7) | -71.467 1(7) | 5.0×10-4 |
视差/mas | 6.64(6) | 6.62(6) | -0.02 |
残差/μs | 0.246 | 0.247 | 0.001 |
参考历元MJD | 55 000 | 55 000 | 54 500 |
Table 3
Fitting values of pulsar ephemeris parameters at different reference coordinate time
参数 | TCB | TDB | 偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 518 42(4) | 173.687 948 430 584 41(4) | 2.69×10-6 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 374 8(3)×10-15 | -1.728 374 9(3)×10-15 | -1.0×10-22 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 0 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | 0 |
赤经自行/(mas.a-1) | 121.438 8(6) | 121.438 8(6) | 0 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a-1) | -71.467 6(7) | -71.467 6(7) | 0 |
视差/mas | 6.64(6) | 6.64(6) | 0 |
双星模型 | T2 | T2 | |
双星轨道周期/d | 5.741 044 2(6) | 5.741 044 2(6) | 0 |
过近星点时间(MJD) | 55 316.696 2(6) | 55 316.696 0(6) | -2.0×10-4 |
投影半长轴/ls | 3.366 720 18(10) | 3.366 720 12(10) | -6.0×10-8 |
近星点经度/(°) | 1.43(4) | 1.43(4) | 0 |
轨道偏心率 | 1.918 2(3)×10-5 | 1.918 2(3)×10-5 | 0 |
残差/μs | 0.246 | 0.246 | 0 |
参考历元MJD | 55 000 | 54 500 |
Table 4
Pulsar ephemeris parameters with reference to DE421 converted from DE200
参数 | 数值 | 与实测值偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 517 11(16) | -1.3×10-12 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 409 5(12)×10-15 | -3.4×10-20 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 526(6) | -6.7×10-7 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 64(7) | -5.0×10-5 |
赤经自行/(mas.a -1) | 121.444(10) | 5.2×10-3 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a -1) | -71.472(10) | -4.4×10-3 |
视差/mas | 7.1(14) | 0.46 |
Table 5
Pulsar ephemeris parameters with reference to TT(BIPM15) converted from TT(TAI)
参数 | 数值 | 与实测值偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 518 362(7) | -5.8×10-12 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 375 35(5)×10-15 | -5.5×10-22 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 0 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | 0 |
赤经自行/(mas.a-1) | 121.440 0(4) | 1.2×10-3 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a -1) | -71.466 2(4) | 1.4×10-3 |
视差/(mas) | 6.67(6) | 0.03 |
Table 6
Pulsar ephemeris parameters with reference to TCB converted from TDB
参数 | 参数 | 与实测值偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 518 418 8(15) | -1.2×10-15 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 374 798(5)×10-15 | 2×10-24 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 0 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | 0 |
赤经自行/(mas.a -1) | 121.438 75(4) | 5×10-5 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a -1) | -71.467 64(4) | -4×10-5 |
视差/mas | 6.644(6) | 4×10-3 |
双星模型 | T2 | |
双星轨道周期/d | 5.741 044 23(4) | 3×10-8 |
过近星点时间(MJD) | 55 316.696 10(5) | -1×10-4 |
投影半长轴/ls | 3.366 720 175(9) | -5×10-9 |
近星点经度/(°) | 1.424(4) | -6×10-3 |
轨道偏心率 | 1.918 22(3)×10-5 | 2×10-10 |
参考历元/MJD | 55 000 |
Table 7
Pulsar ephemeris parameters with reference to DE436/TT(BIPM15)/TCB converted from DE421/TT(TAI)/TDB
参数名称 | DE436/TT(BIPM15)/ TCB下实测值 | DE421/TT(TAI)/ TDB下实测值 | 偏差 | 模拟转换为 DE436/TT(BIPM15)/TCB | 转换后偏差 |
频率/Hz | 173.687 945 737 518 42(4) | 173.687 948 430 585 07(4) | 2.7×10-7 | 173.687 945 737 517 03(16) | -1.3×10-12 |
频率一阶导数/s-2 | -1.728 374 8(3)×10-15 | -1.728 376 4(3)×10-15 | -1.5×10-21 | -1.728 410 1(12)×10-15 | 3.5×10-20 |
赤经/(hh:mm:ss) | 04:37:15.912 532 7(3) | 04:37:15.912 502 5(3) | 3×10-5 | 04:37:15.912 526(6) | -6.7×10-6 |
赤纬/(dd:mm:ss) | -47:15:09.208 59(3) | -47:15:09.208 53(3) | -6×10-5 | -47:15:09.208 63(7) | -4×10-5 |
赤经自行/(mas.a -1) | 121.438 8(6) | 121.437 0(6) | -1.8×10-3 | 121.446(10) | 7.2×10-3 |
赤纬自行/(mas.a -1) | -71.467 6(7) | -71.468 9(6) | -1.3×10-3 | -71.471(10) | -3.4×10-3 |
视差/mas | 6.64(6) | 6.57(6) | -0.07 | 7.1(14) | 0.46 |
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