
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 526160.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2022.26160

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Technological development in hypersonic nozzle design, manufacture and validation: A review

LIN Peng1, ZHUANG Fujian2, QU Linfeng3, XU Yangyang3, SU Yadong3   

  1. 1. Chinese Aeronautical Establishment, Beijing 100029, China;
    2. Yangzhou CIRI, AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Design & Research Institute, Yangzhou 225000, China;
    3. AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Design & Research Institute, Shenyang 110035, China
  • Received:2021-07-27 Revised:2022-03-08 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-03-04

Abstract: Development of hypersonic aircraft, one of the most important flight vehicles in the near-space domain, is of critical significance. The nozzle is the main part in generating thrust in hypersonic aircraft, with its performance and reliability directly affecting the whole aircraft. Focusing on the hypersonic aircraft nozzle technology, this paper analyzes nozzles of the turbine engine, rocket, and ramjet in their classification and technical features, summarizes the state-of-the-art of the nozzle technology, presenting the key technologies of nozzle structure, include design and optimization, material and manufacturing, and comprehensive validation. Important challenges and development suggestions in the future were finally provided.

Key words: hypersonic, near space, exhaust, turbine engine, rocket engine, ramjet engine

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