
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 225295-225295.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2021.25295

• Solid Mechanics and Vehicle Conceptual Design • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Topology optimization and structure evolution of turbine disks based on load sensitivity suppression

YAN Hao, WU Xiaoming   

  1. School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
  • Received:2021-01-20 Revised:2021-02-16 Published:2021-03-09

Abstract: The centrifugal load of aeroengine turbine disks is a typical design-dependent load. The difficulties in variable density topology optimization with design-dependent loads involve the material attachment effect of low density elements, the non-monotonicity behaviour of the objective function, and other difficulties. This study first uses the Exponential Approximation of Material Properties (EAMP) to avoid the material attachment effect and improve the convergence speed. A new gray suppression method is then proposed to reduce the gray scale of the topological structure, and a load sensitivity suppression algorithm presented to solve the topology optimization problem. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, with small overall element gray units and fast convergence speed. In the topology optimization of the radial section of the turbine disk, discussion of the load sensitivity suppression coefficient reveals the evolution law and intrinsic links between the topological structure of single-web turbine disks and twin-web turbine disks.

Key words: design-dependent loads, material interpolation models, gray-scale suppression, turbine disks, topology optimization

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