航空学报 > 2009, Vol. 30 Issue (12): 2401-2410


刘泽远, 邓智泉, 王世山, 曹鑫, 杨钢, 王晓琳   

  1. 南京航空航天大学 自动化学院
  • 收稿日期:2008-11-14 修回日期:2009-01-12 出版日期:2009-12-25 发布日期:2009-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 刘泽远

Effect of Control Strategies on Iron Losses of Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motors

Liu Zeyuan, Deng Zhiquan, Wang Shishan, Cao Xin, Yang Gang, Wang Xiaolin   

  1. College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Received:2008-11-14 Revised:2009-01-12 Online:2009-12-25 Published:2009-12-25
  • Contact: Liu Zeyuan

摘要: 分析了无轴承开关磁阻电机(BSRM)的3种负载控制策略(方波控制策略、最小磁势控制策略和平均悬浮力控制策略),以及每种策略下由悬浮力方程和转矩方程求解超前角和绕组电流的方法。由于控制对象和求解过程所引入约束条件的不同,即便相同负载状况时,3种控制策略求取的超前角和绕组电流结果也不同。利用瞬态有限元法获得了电机的动态磁密分布,并研究了3种控制策略下电机分别表现出的磁场特性。通过双频法分离铁损,分别计算了3种控制策略在不同转速时的电机涡流损耗和磁滞损耗,给出了电机铁心各部分损耗随转速变化的关系,由此得到了3种控制策略对铁心损耗的影响。

关键词: 无轴承开关磁阻电机, 控制策略, 铁心损耗, 涡流损耗, 磁滞损耗, 有限元法

Abstract: The main winding square-wave current strategy, the least magnetomotive force strategy and the average radial force strategy used for bearingless switched reluctance motors (BSRMs) are introduced, respectively. And the methods of calculating the advanced angle and winding current with the suspended force equation and the torque equation are analyzed under these control strategies. Due to differences of control objectives and constraints introduced by the three control strategies, even when the motor has the same load, the advanced angle, main winding current and suspended winding current obtained by calculation are dissimilar. Then the dynamic magnetic flux density of the iron cores is attained by the transient finite element method, and the magnetic field characteristics of BSRM are studied under different control strategies. Finally, eddy current losses and hysteresis losses are separated from iron losses of BSRM using the double frequency method with each of the three control strategies, respectively. Thus, the effect of different control strategies on iron losses for BSRM are investigated.

Key words: bearingless switched reluctance motor, control strategy, iron losses, eddy current losses, hysteresis losses, finite element method
