航空学报 > 2024, Vol. 45 Issue (16): 129660-129660   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.29660


王浩, 罗振兵(), 邓雄, 周岩, 张鉴源, 赵志杰   

  1. 国防科技大学 空天科学学院,长沙 410073
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-27 修回日期:2023-12-13 接受日期:2024-01-18 出版日期:2024-01-26 发布日期:2024-01-26
  • 通讯作者: 罗振兵 E-mail:luozhenbing@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Airfoil gust load alleviation based on dual synthetic jets

Hao WANG, Zhenbing LUO(), Xiong DENG, Yan ZHOU, Jianyuan ZHANG, Zhijie ZHAO   

  1. College of Aerospace Science and Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China
  • Received:2023-09-27 Revised:2023-12-13 Accepted:2024-01-18 Online:2024-01-26 Published:2024-01-26
  • Contact: Zhenbing LUO E-mail:luozhenbing@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(U2141252);Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the Natural Science Foundation of China(T2221002);Hunan Province Level High-level Innovative Talent Project (22+TDRCJH-02-050);National University of Defense Technology Youth Innovation Award Project(Youth Innovation+2019+07+03);National Science and Technology Major Project of China(J2019-III-0010-0054)


为研究基于合成双射流的阵风减缓策略,针对NACA0012翼型在其上表面阵列式布置合成双射流激励器,通过反向射流方式主动诱导流动分离,并详细研究分离涡的演化及动态涡脱落过程,为开展基于零质量射流的载荷控制提供了新的理念。结果表明,随着动量系数Cμ 的增大,合成双射流对于阵风载荷控制能力逐渐提高且没有造成升力系数CL 较大的脉动,当Cμ =0.033时,后缘分离区发展到翼型中部位置,CL,max响应幅值降低了47.9%。由于后缘处分离区较大,关闭射流激励器后分离涡在上翼面的卸载过程会对CL 造成较大影响,在气流冲击分离涡的过程中,上下翼面压差迅速增大进而造成CL 迅速减小;针对这一过程研究Cμ 阶梯递减控制,设置Cμ 区间式变化,相较于持续施加恒定Cμ 的情况,这一控制方法在达到相同减缓幅值的情况下能耗更低,且翼型处于高载荷冲击的时间也更短。

关键词: 阵风减缓, 合成双射流, 分离涡, 反向射流, 涡脱落


To study the gust alleviation strategy based on Dual Synthetic Jets (DSJ), we arrange the actuators in an array on the upper surface of the NACA0012 airfoil, actively induce the flow separation through reverse jets, and study the evolution of the separated vortex and the dynamic vortex shedding, providing a new insight for load control based on the zero-mass jet. The results show that with the increase of the momentum coefficient Cμ, the control ability of DSJ over the gust load is gradually improved without causing large fluctuation of the lift coefficient CL . At Cμ = 0.033, the trailing edge separation zone develops to the middle position of the airfoil, and the response amplitudes of CL,max decrease by 47.9%. Because of the large separation zone at the trailing edge, the unloading process of the separated vortex on the upper wing surface after closing the jet actuator will have a significant impact on CL . In the process of airflow impacting the separated vortex, the pressure difference between the upper and lower wings rapidly increases, leading to rapid decrease of CL . Then, aiming at this process, we study the Cμ step-decreasing control, and set the Cμ interval change. Compared with the case of continuously applying constant Cμ, this control method requires less energy consumption in achieving the same slowing amplitude, and the airfoil also spends less time under high load impact.

Key words: gust alleviation, dual synthetic jets, separated vortex, reverse jet, vortex shedding
