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  1. 中国航天科技创新研究院
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-24 修回日期:2024-05-16 出版日期:2024-05-22 发布日期:2024-05-22
  • 通讯作者: 解春雷

Research on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wingtip-hinge Aggregation-separation Aircraft

  • Received:2024-04-24 Revised:2024-05-16 Online:2024-05-22 Published:2024-05-22

摘要: 智能集群组网是中小型无人机发展的重要方向之一。但传统的无人机集群难以兼顾长时滞空、远程运载和规模部署、快速响应的多重要求,为此,聚合-分体技术应运而生。将多架同构/异构的无人机通过翼尖连接的方式聚合成一架大展弦比飞行器,并根据任务需求自由分离和组合的聚合-分体技术,可充分结合分离集群高机动、大速度的优势和聚合整体长航时、强生存的优势,极大地增强集群无人机的使用效能。本文采用计算流体动力学方法,对聚合-分体飞行器的两个重要气动问题开展分析研究,一是分析了典型构型的小型无人机在聚合前后的气动力变化情况,探讨了不同构型和数量的无人机聚合后的减阻效果,获得了组合体飞行器的最佳聚合参数和聚合-分体飞行器的气动外形设计规律;二是针对翼尖对接过程中两侧机翼翼尖涡流扰动强烈、非线性强,严重影响对接分离过程中姿态控制的问题,基于三种典型的翼尖对接方式,分析了翼尖对接中两侧机翼处于典型相对位置时的翼尖涡演化和气动力扰动情况,明确了最佳的对接方式和对接参数,对翼尖涡流扰动特性的研究也可为聚合-分体过程中的飞行控制提供进一步支撑。

关键词: 聚合-分体飞行器, 无人机集群, 翼尖对接, 翼尖涡, 计算流体动力学

Abstract: Intelligent cluster networking is one of the important directions for the development of small and medium-sized unmanned aerial vehicles. However, traditional drone clusters are unable to meet the multiple requirements of long-term hovering, remote transportation, large-scale deployment, and rapid response. Therefore, wingtip-hinge aggregation-separation technology has emerged.Aggregating multiple homogeneous/heterogeneous drones into a high aspect ratio aircraft, and freely separating and combining them according to task requirements, can fully consider the advantages of high maneuverability and high speed of the separated cluster, as well as the advantages of long endurance and strong survival of the aggregated whole, greatly enhancing the efficiency of cluster drones. This article adopts computational fluid dynamics method to analyze two important aerodynamic problems of wingtip-hinge aggregation -separation aircraft.This article first analyzes the aerodynamic changes of typical configurations of small unmanned aerial vehicles before and after aggregation, explores the drag reduction effects of different configurations and quantities of unmanned aerial vehicles after aggregation, and obtains the optimal aggregation parameters of the aggregation aircraft and the aerodynamic shape design rules of the aggregation separation aircraft; Secondly, in response to the problem of strong and nonlinear vortex disturbances on both wing tips during wing tip docking, which seriously affect attitude control during docking and separation processes, based on three typical wing tip docking methods, the evolution of wing tip vortices and aerodynamic disturbances when the two wings are in typical relative positions during wing tip docking were analyzed, and the optimal docking method and parameters were determined. The study of wing tip vortex disturbance characteristics can also provide further support for flight control in the aggregation separation process.

Key words: Aggregation-separation Aircraft, Drone cluster, Wingtip docking, Wing tip vortex, Computational fluid dynamics
