航空学报 > 2003, Vol. 24 Issue (5): 411-413


詹浩, 华俊, 张仲寅   

  1. 西北工业大学飞机系 陕西西安 710072
  • 收稿日期:2003-05-21 修回日期:2003-07-18 出版日期:2003-10-25 发布日期:2003-10-25

Design of Multi-Lifting Surfaces based on Iterative Residual Correction

ZHAN Hao, HUA Jun, ZHANG Zhong-yin   

  1. Department of Aircraft Engineering; Northwestern Polytechnical University; Xi'an 710072; China
  • Received:2003-05-21 Revised:2003-07-18 Online:2003-10-25 Published:2003-10-25

摘要: 将Takanashi 的余量修正方法由只针对单独翼面发展到针对多翼面问题, 形成一种处理多翼面升力系统的余量修正设计方法, 以此为基础发展了一种跨音速多翼面升力系统气动力设计方法, 形成了相应的跨音速多翼面设计软件, 并将该软件与国外先进的CFD 分析软件相结合, 形成跨音速多翼面升力系统气动力设计软件系统。利用该多翼面空气动力设计方法, 以鸭式布局为例, 进行了双翼面升力系统的气动力设计。设计实践表明本文的设计方法和软件具有很高的实用价值。

关键词: 余量修正方法, 多翼面升力系统, 鸭式布局, 空气动力学, 反设计

Abstract: The aerodynamic design method or iginally for a single lift ing surface based upon the iterative r esidual correction principle is developed for designing multi-lifting surfaces. An aerodynamic design code based on this methodis integrated wit h other advanced aer odynamic analysis codes to design multi-lifting sur faces. Using such an aerodynamic design software package, a wing configur ation with a canard is studied and designed.

Key words: iterative residual correction principle, multi-lifting surfaces, canard configuration, aerodynamics, design
