
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (5): 309-312.

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Zhang Wen-hua1, K. Gersten2, A. Becker2   

  1. 1. Faculty 603 of Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Nanjing, 210016;2. Ruhr-University, 4630 Bochun, Germany
  • Received:1990-02-26 Revised:1991-09-07 Online:1992-05-25 Published:1992-05-25

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to provide a simpler and thriftier method to be used for calculations of the pressure distribution for body with blunt-tail. According to method of multicomponent-type, the flowfield is divided into three principal domains as follows: the inviscid, the boundary layer and the dead water. The calculations for the inviscid external flow and the boundary layer are carried out by applying potential theory and boundary layer theory, respectively. Imaginary body simulated layer wake region behind the model can be computed by the wakefunction. Thus we obtain a whole calculations model, which cosists of a practical model connected in series with a supplemental one.A singularity method is used for calculation of the pressure for whole model. The inviscid-viscous fluid are coupled by iteration method. The calculation of base pressure for model of Vanwagenen gives good results. We proceed to calculate for Ruhr-Uni model. Ruhr-Uni model was tested in 1500 mm X 1200 mm wind tunnel of Ruhr University. Good agreement of results between calculations and experiments is obtained.

Key words: blunt afterbodies, pressure distribution, base pressure, numerical calculation