
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

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Assessing Handling Qualities of SVO-eVTOL through EMG and Eye Data


  • Received:2024-09-30 Revised:2024-11-12 Online:2024-11-14 Published:2024-11-14

Abstract: With the advent of commercial transportation in Urban Air Mobility (UAM), the concept of Simplified Vehicle Operations (SVO) has been integrated into aircraft design, aiming to streamline operational procedures to meet future transport de-mands. However, there is uncertainty regarding whether electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which de-signed based on SVO, meet airworthiness criteria and whether their control interfaces adhere to ergonomic standards for user-friendliness. To address this issue, an experiment on Mission Task Elements (MTE) was conducted to assess the han-dling qualities of an SVO-based eVTOL. 20 participants were recruited for the experiment, during which their subjective ratings of handling qualities using Cooper-Harper Rating Scale, qualitative comments through semi-structured interviews, and electromyography (EMG) data and eye-tracking data were recorded. Additionally, a handling qualities assessment mod-el based on Gramian Angular Field (GAF) and 2D-convolutional neural networks (2D-CNN) was proposed. The results indi-cated that poor control interface design significantly affected the participants' EMG and eye-tracking signals. Benefiting from the spatio-temporal information provided by GAF images, the proposed 2D-CNN reached a classification accuracy of 93.67%. This study provides a new perspective for the objective assessment of eVTOL handling qualities and offers signif-icant guidance for the future design of SVO.

Key words: Urban Air Mobility, Simplified Vehicle Operation, electromyography, eye-tracking, electric vertical take-off and landing, handling qualities

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