
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

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Research on the design and stabilization mechanism of non-axisymmetric fans under inlet distortion conditions


  • Received:2023-10-16 Revised:2024-01-10 Online:2024-01-11 Published:2024-01-11

Abstract: The issue of inlet distortion in propulsion systems leads to a decrease in fan performance and induces aerodynam-ic instability, posing a potential threat to aircraft safety. This concern has gained widespread attention in both mili-tary and civil aviation fields. To ensure the reliable operation of propulsion systems under inlet distortion conditions and maintain flight safety, this study conducted research on anti-distortion fan design and stability enhancement for a small bypass ratio turbofan engine using numerical methods. Taking into account the characteristics of distortion effects, this paper employed a Non-Axisymmetric Stator (NAS) arrangement to mitigate these adverse effects. The research suggests that NAS can effectively enhance fan performance under inlet distortion conditions. When com-pared to the prototype operating at the same mass flow rate, there are relative increases of 1.37% and 1.26% in adiabatic efficiency and total pressure ratio, respectively. Additionally, there is a relative increase of 8.31% in the stability margin. These enhancements have successfully met the objectives of improving performance and ex-panding stability for the NAS fan. The NAS design directly impacts the distortion zone, effectively improving the stator incidence angle within the distorted region. It suppresses the development and migration of vortex structures in the stator passage, resulting in a significant reduction in the stator diffusion factor. Consequently, it effectively eliminates corner separation in the stator passages, leading to a more uniform circumferential distribution of stator incidence angles. This, in turn, improves the internal flow field within the fan stator and enhances the overall aero-dynamic performance of the fan. Furthermore, NAS design has the potential to improve the flow field of the inner-bypass region behind the fan, encouraging the development of a more circumferentially uniform flow field at the inner-bypass outlet. Additionally, while effectively reducing the intensity of dynamic total pressure distortion and improving flow field uniformity, NAS design also possesses the capability to mitigate total temperature distortion.

Key words: Inlet distortion, Turbofan engine, Non-axisymmetric stator, Aerodynamic performance, Stability margin

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