
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 628633-628633.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.28633

• Special Topic: Fully Actuated System Theory and Its Applications in Aerospace Field • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A high⁃order fully actuated predictive control approach of spacecraft flying⁃around under time⁃variant communication constraints

Dawei ZHANG1, Guoping LIU1,2()   

  1. 1.Center for Control Theory and Guidance Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China
    2.Center for Control Science and Technology,Southern University of Science and Technology,Shenzhen 518055,China
  • Received:2023-02-28 Revised:2023-04-11 Accepted:2023-05-11 Online:2024-01-15 Published:2023-05-17
  • Contact: Guoping LIU E-mail:liugp@sustech.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(62173255)


A High-Order Fully Actuated (HOFA) predictive control approach is proposed for the problem of spacecraft flying-around under time-variant communication constraints in a sight coordinate system, including both time-variant communication delays and time-variant packets dropouts in the communication channels between the servicing spacecraft and the tracking and data relay satellite system. In the sight coordinate system, a nonlinear HOFA system model is introduced to describe the relative dynamics of spacecraft flying-around, such that the proposed flying-around task can be considered as a tracking control problem of nonlinear HOFA system. In this approach, the nonlinearities can be eliminated to construct a linear HOFA system because of full actuation characteristic, and then a Linear Incremental HOFA (LIHOFA) prediction model is constructed by applying a Diophantine Equation to replace a reduced-order prediction model, such that multi-step ahead predictions are developed to achieve the optimization of tracking control performance and the compensation of time-variant communication constraints, which guarantees the realization of this flying-around mission. A necessary and sufficient condition is given to analyze the stability and tracking performance of closed-loop system. Further, two simulated examples of spacecraft flying-around in circular and elliptical orbits are provided to verify the feasibility of HOFA predictive control approach.

Key words: spacecraft flying-around, nonlinear high-order fully actuated system, time-variant communication constraint, HOFA predictive control, stability and tracking performance

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