航空学报 > 2022, Vol. 43 Issue (7): 425384-425384   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2021.25384


原青云, 孙永卫, 张希军, 王平平   

  1. 陆军工程大学石家庄校区 电磁环境效应重点实验室, 石家庄 050003
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-06 修回日期:2021-04-09 发布日期:2021-04-08
  • 通讯作者: 张希军,E-mail:zxjlzy@126.com E-mail:zxjlzy@126.com
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(51577190);国防基础科研计划(JCKYS DC3)

Surface flashover characteristics of kapton in low pressure environment

YUAN Qingyun, SUN Yongwei, ZHANG Xijun, WANG Pingping   

  1. National Key Laboratory on Electromagnetic Environment Effects, Army Engineering University of PLA (Shijiazhuang Campus), Shijiazhuang 050003, China
  • Received:2021-02-06 Revised:2021-04-09 Published:2021-04-08
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (51577190); National Defense Basic Scientific Research Program (JCKYS DC3)

摘要: 沿面闪络是影响航天器安全运行的重要因素之一,研究航天器典型介质材料的沿面闪络特性对航天器静电防护设计具有重要意义。首先,基于二次电子发射雪崩(SEEA)模型对低气压环境下航天器绝缘材料的沿面闪络特性进行了理论分析;然后,利用航天器表面带电模拟系统研究了低气压环境下航天器常用绝缘材料——聚酰亚胺的沿面闪络特性,并从解吸附气体、粗糙度和化学变化对闪络电压的影响3个方面对实验结果进行了分析。研究得出:在低气压环境中,随着气压的降低,聚酰亚胺的沿面闪络电压呈先降低、后增大、再稳定的规律;当气压和闪络次数一定时,聚酰亚胺的闪络电压随电极间距增加而升高,闪络平均场强呈降低趋势;当气压和电极间距一定时,聚酰亚胺的闪络电压随闪络次数的增加呈先增大后稳定的趋势。

关键词: 低气压环境, 聚酰亚胺, 沿面闪络, 粗糙度, 解吸附气体, 化学变化

Abstract: Surface flashover is one of the main forms of electrostatic discharge on spacecraft surface, and is essential for safe operation of the spacecraft. In this paper, based on the Second Electron Emission Avalanche (SEEA) model, the surface flashover characteristics of spacecraft insulating materials were analyzed theoretically, and then the surface flashover characteristics of kapton in low pressure environment were studied by using the spacecraft surface charging simulation system. The law of flashover voltage in low pressure environment was explained from the three aspects of desorption gas, roughness and chemical change. The results show that in low pressure environment, with the decrease of pressure, the flashover voltage of kapton decreased firstly, then increased, and then stabilized. When the pressure and the number of flashover discharge were constant, the flashover voltage of kapton increased with the increase of electrode spacing, and the average flashover field intensity decreased. When the pressure and electrode spacing remain constant, the flashover voltage of kapton increased first and then became stable with the increase of the number of discharges.

Key words: low pressure environment, kapton, surface flashover, roughness, desorption gas, chemical changehttp
