航空学报 > 2004, Vol. 25 Issue (6): 602-605


林强, 熊华钢, 张其善   

  1. 北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院 北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2003-11-25 修回日期:2004-03-29 出版日期:2004-12-25 发布日期:2004-12-25

Credit Determination for Flow Control in FC-AL

LIN Qiang, XIONG Hua-gang, ZHANG Qi-shan   

  1. School of Electrical Engineering,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083,China
  • Received:2003-11-25 Revised:2004-03-29 Online:2004-12-25 Published:2004-12-25

摘要: 信誉是光纤通道流量控制中一个重要的服务参数,为在注册过程中合理地配置信誉,避免通信节点出现缓存的溢出现象,针对光纤通道仲裁环拓扑分析了信誉的确定与网络带宽分配方法的关系,导出了负载匹配情况下的最优信誉。

关键词: 光纤通道, 仲裁环, 可靠性, 带宽分配, 信誉

Abstract: The relationship between the important service parameter credit and message transmission bandwidth allocation for Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) is analyzed for configuring the credit reasonably to avoid buffer overflow in nodes.The optimipation of credit are derived on the traffic load balance of each node.

Key words: fibre channel, arbitrated loop, reliability, bandwidth allocation, credit