航空学报 > 2010, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 701-708



姚郁, 毕永涛   

  1. 哈尔滨工业大学 控制与仿真中心
  • 收稿日期:2009-03-02 修回日期:2009-07-13 出版日期:2010-04-25 发布日期:2010-04-25
  • 通讯作者: 姚郁

Design of Blended Control Strategy for Missiles with Lateral Jets and Aerodynamic Surfaces

Yao Yu, Bi Yongtao   

  1. Control and Simulation Center, Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Received:2009-03-02 Revised:2009-07-13 Online:2010-04-25 Published:2010-04-25
  • Contact: Yao Yu

摘要: 针对自旋导弹直接侧向力与气动力复合控制问题,提出一种分阶段复合控制策略,该策略充分考虑了直接侧向力离散控制和空气舵连续控制的特点,将弹体迎角和侧滑角响应过程分为上升段和保持段以实现快速精确跟踪。上升段考虑固体脉冲发动机的快响应特性,利用整数线性规划(ILP)得到了需要开启的脉冲发动机数量,产生直接侧向力控制导弹快速建立迎角和侧滑角。保持段则基于动态逆控制和自抗扰控制技术,通过空气舵控制迎角和侧滑角稳定在期望值,以克服侧向喷流干扰效应和大迎角飞行带来的非线性耦合的影响。仿真结果表明,依靠直接侧向力与气动力的分时串联作用,可以有效地抑制复合系统的外扰和模型不确定性的影响,显著加快拦截导弹的过载响应速度。

关键词: 姿态控制系统, 脉冲发动机, 整数规划, 动态逆控制, 自抗扰控制

Abstract: This article proposes a blended control strategy with spinning missile lateral jets and aerodynamic surfaces, which consists of two separate stages. This strategy divides the whole response process of the angle of attack and sideslip angle into a rising stage and a maintaining stage. Taking into consideration the fast response characteristics of the lateral thrust, a lateral thrust control system is used to track the command in order to obtain fast response at the rising stage. A method based on integer linear programming (ILP) is used to adjust the lateral thrust. Aerodynamic control is used to guarantee that the angle of attack and sideslip angle follow the command at the maintaining stage. Based on dynamic inversion and active disturbance rejection control, the aerodynamic control system is designed to overcome nonlinearity and various strong coupling actions among the pitch channel and the yaw channel as well as the lateral jet interaction of the spinning missile. Simulation results show that the proposed blended control strategy is insensitive to parameter uncertainties of the plant and lateral jet interaction. By means of this strategy overload command can be tracked with high precision and fast response speed.

Key words: attitude control system, pulse moter, integer programming, dynamic inversion, active disturbance rejection control
