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GNSS 拒止下多源自主导航鲁棒滤波方法研究


  1. 1. 北京航天控制仪器研究所
    2. 北京电子工程总体研究所
    3. 北京跟踪与通信技术研究所
    4. 中国航天科技集团有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-04 修回日期:2024-07-08 出版日期:2024-07-11 发布日期:2024-07-11
  • 通讯作者: 南子寒
  • 基金资助:

Research on Improved Robust Filtering Method for GNSS Denied Multisource Autonomous Navigation

  • Received:2024-06-04 Revised:2024-07-08 Online:2024-07-11 Published:2024-07-11
  • Contact: Zi-Han NAN

摘要: 针对飞行器在卫星拒止环境下的高精度、高完备等导航定位需求,提出了一种融合捷联惯导、卫星导航和气压 高度计的多源自主导航鲁棒滤波方法。在量测中断后较短的时间内,该方法通过量测不确定性与非线性误差模型的滤波 器估计,能够精确量化紧组合导航模式中的状态空间模型,在深入分析量测异常向量对滤波器状态输出的作用机理基础 上,引入鲁棒容积卡尔曼滤波设计,有效改善了误差协方差矩阵的抑制效果,提升了多源自主导航解译过程中滤波器的 稳定性和状态方程的估计精度。仿真结果表明,典型飞行运动模式下,该方法相对于传统的容积卡尔曼滤波,陀螺仪与 加速度计的零偏状态估计精度提升约31%,自主导航系统定位精度提升约24%,并更好地抑制了姿态角误差,为国家综 合PNT体系多源自主导航终端的可靠应用提供了参考借鉴。

关键词: 多源自主导航, GNSS拒止, 鲁棒滤波, 紧组合

Abstract: Aiming at the requirements of high precision and high completeness in navigation and positioning of spacecraft in the environment of satellite rejection, a robust filtering method for multi-source autonomous navigation is proposed, which combines strapdown inertial navigation, satellite navigation and barometric altimeter. In a short period of time after measurement interruption, this method can accurately quantify the state space model in the compact integrated navigation model through the filter estimation of the measurement uncertainty and nonlinear error model. Based on the in-depth analysis of the action mechanism of the measurement anomaly vector on the filter state output, a robust volume Kalman filter design is introduced. The suppression effect of error covariance matrix is effectively improved, and the stability of filter and the estimation accuracy of state equation are improved in the process of multi-source autonomous navigation interpretation. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional volume Kalman filter, the zero bias accuracy of gyroscope and accelerometer is improved by about 31%, the positioning accuracy of autonomous navigation system is improved by about 23.77%, the attitude Angle error is suppressed to a certain extent, which provides a reference for the terminal application of multi-source autonomous navigation system under the new generation of national integrated PNT system.

Key words: multi-source autonomous navigation, GNSS denied, nonlinearity robust filtering, tightly integration