航空学报 > 2023, Vol. 44 Issue (7): 327105-327105   doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2022.27105


王鼎1,2, 尹洁昕1,2(), 张欣光3, 郑娜娥4   

  1. 1.中国人民解放军战略支援部队信息工程大学 信息系统工程学院,郑州  450001
    2.国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,郑州  450002
    3.北京航天长征飞行器研究所,北京  100076
    4.中国人民解放军战略支援部队信息工程大学 数据与目标工程学院,郑州  450001
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-04 修回日期:2022-03-28 接受日期:2022-05-30 出版日期:2023-04-15 发布日期:2022-05-09
  • 通讯作者: 尹洁昕 E-mail:Cindyin0807@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A TDOA/FDOA cooperative localization method for multiple disjoint sources based on weighted multidimensional scaling analysis

Ding WANG1,2, Jiexin YIN1,2(), Xinguang ZHANG3, Na’e ZHENG4   

  1. 1.Institute of Information System Engineering,PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University,Zhengzhou  450001,China
    2.National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technology Research Center,Zhengzhou 450002,China
    3.Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle,Beijing  100076,China
    4.Institute of Data and Target Engineering,PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University,Zhengzhou  450001,China
  • Received:2022-03-04 Revised:2022-03-28 Accepted:2022-05-30 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2022-05-09
  • Contact: Jiexin YIN E-mail:Cindyin0807@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(62171469);Key Scientific and Technological Projects in Henan Province(192102210092);Research and Development Fund of PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University(F4108)



关键词: 辐射源定位, 协同定位, 到达时间差(TDOA), 到达频率差(FDOA), 加权多维标度分析, 理论性能分析


TDOA/FDOA localization is an important wireless positioning mechanism for moving emitters, and its location accuracy is greatly affected by measurement errors of TDOA/FDOA and prior measurement errors of sensor models (including sensor position and velocity). To improve the localization performance under the condition of high-level measurement errors, a TDOA/FDOA cooperative localization method for multiple disjoint sources is proposed based on weighted multidimensional scaling analysis in this paper. The proposed method consists of two calculation stages: Stage-a and Stage-b. Specifically, in Stage-a, two groups of scalar product matrices in multidimensional scaling analysis are employed to form the positioning relationship, which is further used to yield the solutions for the locations of multiple disjoint sources and sensors by constructing a weighting matrix. In Stage-b, a constrained minimization model is established based on the intermediate variables introduced in multidimensional scaling analysis to determine the estimation errors in Stage-a. By solving this optimization problem, the expression for the localization errors in Stage-a are obtained, so as to refine the position and velocity estimates of the multiple disjoint sources as well as the sensors. In addition, the first-order error analysis is employed to prove that the proposed method can asymptotically reach the Cramér-Rao Bound (CRB) accuracy. Simulation results show that the new method outperforms the existing TDOA/FDOA positioning methods.

Key words: emitter localization, cooperative localization, Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), Frequency Difference of Arrival (FDOA), weighted multidimensional scaling analysis, theoretical performance analysis
