航空学报 > 2004, Vol. 25 Issue (6): 606-610


白笛, 周贤宾, 李东升, 刘益成   

  1. 北京航空航天大学704教研室 北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2003-10-10 修回日期:2003-12-22 出版日期:2004-12-25 发布日期:2004-12-25

Key Technology Research and System Development of Complex Aircraft Skin Stretch-forming Simulation

BAI Di, ZHOU Xian-bin, LI Dong-sheng, LIU Yi-cheng   

  1. Faculty 704, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2003-10-10 Revised:2003-12-22 Online:2004-12-25 Published:2004-12-25

摘要: 针对飞机复杂蒙皮拉伸成形特点,基于静态隐式算法开发了复杂蒙皮拉形数值模拟系统STRETCH FORM。系统分为前置处理、核心求解和后置处理3个模块。介绍了系统各模块的主要功能以及机构运动、静态隐式有限元算法和接触搜索算法等关键技术理论。利用商业软件MARC和PAM STAMP进行了S形蒙皮拉形的模拟计算对比,并对某型号机的进气道蒙皮零件进行了生产验证,结果表明系统具有较高的可靠性和计算精度。

关键词: 飞机蒙皮, 拉形, 数值模拟, 静态隐式算法, 机构运动

Abstract: To pre-estimate the formability of complex aircraft skin parts and simulate the whole deformation processes, a finite element simulation system-STRETCHFORM is developed to assist the manufacture according to the stretch-forming feature of skin parts. The system is composed of three function modules—pre-processing, solving and post-processing, and key techniques including motion of mechanism, static implicit algorithm, contact and search algorithm as well as evaluation criterion of forming quality are analyzed and accomplished. Simulation of stretch-forming process for "S" shape skin and air inlet part are carried out, and it demonstrates the good precision and stability in comparison with the results of MARC, PAM-STAMP and experiment.

Key words: aircraft skin, stretch-forming, numerical simulation, static implicit algorithm, motion of mechanism