Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (13): 629037-629037.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.29037
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Lizhuo DONG1,2, Siqi ZHANG1,2, Zhao ZHANG1,2, Baohai WU1,2()
Baohai WU
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Lizhuo DONG, Siqi ZHANG, Zhao ZHANG, Baohai WU. Prediction method of blade machining deformation driven by mechanism⁃data hybrid[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2024, 45(13): 629037-629037.
Table 2
Input data of influence factors for data driven model
序号 | 柔度K | 柔度K | 坐标y/mm | 坐标z/mm | 法矢 | 法矢 |
1 | 3.69×10-5 | 7.47×10-6 | -105.023 0 | 1 688.156 1 | -0.844 2 | -0.526 5 |
2 | 3.66×10-5 | 7.27×10-6 | -98.255 0 | 1 688.095 1 | -0.869 2 | -0.486 7 |
3 | 3.64×10-5 | 7.12×10-6 | -91.309 4 | 1 688.047 7 | -0.892 5 | -0.445 1 |
4 | 3.62×10-5 | 7.01×10-6 | -84.191 8 | 1 687.990 6 | -0.915 9 | -0.397 1 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
265 | 5.69×10-6 | 4.30×10-6 | 105.919 5 | 319.540 9 | -0.818 4 | -0.567 5 |
266 | 6.00×10-6 | 4.62×10-6 | 116.593 3 | 319.540 1 | -0.818 3 | -0.567 7 |
Table 3
Input data of influence factors for mechanism and data fusion model
序号 | g(x,y)/mm | h(y)/mm2 | h(z)/mm2 |
1 | -0.042 8 | 11 029.788 5 | 2 849 871.018 0 |
2 | -0.043 4 | 9 654.045 0 | 2 849 665.066 6 |
3 | -0.044 0 | 8 337.406 5 | 2 849 505.037 5 |
4 | -0.044 6 | 7 088.259 2 | 2 849 312.265 7 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
265 | -0.007 7 | 11 218.940 5 | 102 106.386 8 |
266 | -0.008 1 | 13 593.997 6 | 102 105.875 5 |
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