
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

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WiseCFD V2023: Towards to Establish a Software Framework with Open Architecture to Support V&V and Credibility Assessment of CFD Software


  • Received:2024-03-25 Revised:2024-06-12 Online:2024-06-14 Published:2024-06-14

Abstract: Verification and validation (V&V) are the most important and fundamental events to ensure credibility of CFD software. Since the first version of the so-called WiseCFD platform published on 2004 to support CFD V&V, many efforts had been made to establish an open framework to support credibility assessment of CFD software as well. In this paper, the WiseCFD V2023 platform, which is towards to establish an open framework to support V&V and credibility assessment of CFD software on Web, is presented. The new platform is developed under the theory of credibility evaluation index system, and with technogies for standard V&V database, as well as technologies for standard interface of CFD data and software. It is implemented with 3-level B/S software architecture, which is established through cloud native technologies such as microservices, containerization, and container orchestration for easy creation and deployment. The main elements include but not limited to: 1) open integration for different CFD software; 2) open work flow definitions for different jobs; 3) open V&V and credibility assement task definitions based on different choices of evaluatioin indexes; 4) open V&V database behind the platform, and 5) automatic verification and validation. The feasibilty and efficiency of the present platform is demonstrated through V&V and credibility assessment for typical CFD softare for engineering.

Key words: credibility, V&V, credibility evaluation index, open architecture, CFD

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